Occupied Set Point Limiting — The occupied setpoint limits establish the maximum allowable heating set pointand the minimum allowable cooling set point. The range ofallowable temperature limits is 50 to 99 F for heating andcooling.The Cooling Set Point Low Limit is set in category 1, op-tion 1. The left set point buttons control the cooling set pointlimit. Press the top set point button to raise the set point limit.Press the bottom set point button to lower the set point limit.The cooling set point limit is displayed in the top of the TEMPsystem thermostat screen. The default value is 68 F.The Heating Set Point High Limit is set in category 1,option 2. The left set point buttons control the heating setpoint limit. Press the top set point button to raise the set pointlimit. Press the bottom set point button to lower the set pointlimit. The heating set point limit is displayed in the TEMPsystem thermostat screen. The default value is 75.By limiting the occupied set points to a defined range, theheating and cooling system will operate within desired pa-rameters. The occupied system will minimize extended unitcycles to heat or cool a zone.TEMPERATURE DISPLAY — Temperature sensor infor-mation is displayed by the TEMP system thermostat in in-crements of 1/10° F. Temperature and units are displayed inthe top of the display. The temperature scale can be set toeither Fahrenheit or Celsius units.To enable the Fahrenheit Temperature Display option, setthe category to 1 and the option to 6. Use the left set pointbuttons to toggle the option ON or OFF. ON will displaytemperature in Fahrenheit. OFF will display temperature inCelsius.NOTE: Absolute temperatures (temperatures not measuredby devices) are always in Fahrenheit, irrespective of the set-ting of the Fahrenheit Temperature Display option.UNOCCUPIED MODE OPERATIONUnoccupied mode is the time period when the TEMP sys-tem thermostat maintains the unoccupied set point tempera-tures. Unoccupied time periods follow the schedule of theTEMP system thermostat zone. Unoccupied time periods al-low for lower heating temperature set points and higher cool-ing temperature set points to conserve energy and moneywhen the zone is unoccupied.The TEMP system thermostat unoccupied time periods maybe controlled:• locally by the TEMP system thermostat, which will followits own programmed unoccupied and occupied timeperiods• through communication from another device on the net-work, which will send the TEMP system thermostat an un-occupied schedule.During local control the unoccupied/occupied programscan be locked to prevent unauthorized or unintentional changes.When the TEMP system thermostat is in a time period des-ignated for unoccupied mode operation, zone occupants cantemporarily override unoccupied operation to the occupiedmode. During unoccupied override, the TEMP system ther-mostat will maintain configured occupied conditions. At theend of the override period, the TEMP system thermostat willautomatically return to unoccupied mode operation.When the TEMP system thermostat is operating in unoc-cupied mode, the unoccupied set points will be displayed onthe TEMP system thermostat screen.Unoccupied Set Points — The unoccupied set pointsestablish the heating and cooling temperatures maintainedin the zone controlled by the TEMP system thermostatduring the unoccupied mode. The range of allowable tem-peratures is 50 to 99 F for heating and 40 to 99 F for cooling.To configure the unoccupied cooling set point, enter cat-egory 1, option 3. The left set point buttons control the un-occupied cooling set point. Press the top set point button toraise the set point. Press the bottom set point button to lowerthe set point. The unoccupied cooling set point is displayedin the top left corner of the TEMP system thermostat screen.The default value is 80 F.To configure the unoccupied heating set point, enter cat-egory 1, option 4. The left set point buttons control the un-occupied cooling set point. Press the top set point button toraise the set point. Press the bottom set point button to lowerthe set point. The unoccupied heating set point is displayedin the top left corner of the TEMP system thermostat screen.The default value is 65.Occupancy Schedules — The occupancy scheduleestablishes the time periods when the TEMP system ther-mostat operates in the occupied or unoccupied mode.The unoccupied/occupied program has an individual 7-dayprogramming schedule with 8 time periods. Unoccupied/occupied ON/OFF times are entered on the minute. The startof an ON time is the beginning of the occupied mode. Thestart of an OFF time is the beginning of the unoccupied mode.NOTE: If an ON time and an OFF time are set for the samehour, the TEMP system thermostat operates in unoccupiedmode for that entire day.The Unoccupied/Occupied program of the TEMP systemthermostat can be configured locally using program mode.The TEMP system thermostat will follow the holiday timeschedule on days that are configured as holidays in the Holi-day Configuration tables. If a local occupancy schedule isbeing used, then the local holiday configuration will be used.Occupancy schedules received from the network already haveholiday information included.PROGRAMMING SCHEDULES USING SOFTWARE —The occupancy time schedule consists of 8 periods. Fromthe network access software each period may be configured.Three configuration options are set from the software: Oc-cupied From, Occupied To, and Days of the Week the sched-ule is in effect. Eight different days are recognized: Mondaythrough Sunday, and Holiday.OCCUPANCY SCHEDULE MODE — The unoccupied/occupied program can be directly configured at the TEMPsystem thermostat. Press both upper (or lower) set point but-tons at the same time to enter into the program mode. Theoccupancy schedule is in category 2, options 1 through 8.Option 1 is occupied period 1. Option 2 is occupied period2. The options continue to option 8 which is occupancy pe-riod 8.The procedure is different than programming other op-tions. When category 2 is shown on the display screen, pressthe select (lower right) button. The display will show option1. This will show the start time for option 1 only. To modifythe start time for option 1, press select. Only the start timeis modified. To modify to the stop time for option 1 press theupper left set point button. Instead of displaying option 2,the stop time for option 1 will be shown. Press the selectbutton to modify the stop time. To modify the days of theweek that the occupancy period will be active, use the upperleft set point button to advance to the next option. Instead ofshowing option 2, the screen will display the active days forthe occupied schedule. Each occupied period (options 2.1through 2.8) will have three different screens associated withit: start time, stop time, and active days.11