Hardware Failure (HF) Errors — A Hardware Fail-ure (HF) error is a error that corresponds to a hardware fail-ure at the TEMP system thermostat, associated sensors, orzone damper.To clear an HF Error, the component responsible for ini-tiating the HF Error must be adjusted, repaired, or replaced.See Table 5 for a description of HF errors.Table 5 — Hardware Failure ErrorsERROR PROBLEM ALARMPRIORITYHF03 Zone Temperature Sensor Out of Range 2HF04 Remote Room Sensor Out of Range 2HF05 Duct Temperature Sensor Out of Range 2HF06 Hardware NOVRAM Failure 2HF07 Hardware Analog/Digital Failure 2HF09 DX Coil Sensor Out of Range 2HF10 Outdoor-Air Temperature SensorOut of Range 2HF11 Humidity Sensor Out of Range 2ZONE TEMPERATURE SENSOR OUT OF RANGE — AnHF03 error is issued when the zone temperature sensor isreading below 30 F or greater than 180 F. The zone tem-perature sensor can be recalibrated. The HF03 error will au-tomatically clear when the sensor reading is back within theallowable range.To check the zone temperature sensor:1. Check that the zone temperature sensor is physically in-tact on the TEMP system thermostat printed circuit board.Ensure the sensor is not shorted against the TEMP sys-tem thermostat printed circuit board.2. If using a remote room temperature sensor, check for properwiring connections (red to +, black to −). Ensure the TEMPsystem thermostat zone temperature sensor has been re-moved. Check for other wiring running parallel to andless than 12 in. from the remote room sensor wiring. Avoidrunning AC, control, or communication bus wiring nearthe remote room sensor wiring. Maintain a minimum sepa-ration of 12 in. or more between other wiring and remoteroom sensor wiring.3. Check the zone temperature sensor calibration. Calibratethe sensor by manual calibration at the TEMP system ther-mostat using the Zone Temperature Sensor Calibration func-tion (category 5, option 2) and an accurate thermometer.Measure the temperature at the TEMP system thermostatzone temperature sensor location using the accurate ther-mometer. Wait for the reading to stabilize. Using the setpoint buttons, increase or decrease the temperature dis-play to match the reading of the thermometer.REMOTE ROOM SENSOR OUT OF RANGE — An HF04error is issued when the remote room temperature sensor isreading below 30 F or greater than 180 F. The remote roomtemperature sensor can be recalibrated. The HF04 error willautomatically clear when the sensor reading is back withinthe allowable range.To check the remote room sensor:1. Check that the remote room sensor wiring and connec-tions to the circuit board are physically intact. Ensure the5-conductor control wiring running between the relay packand the TEMP system thermostat is not run near AC, con-trol, or communication bus wiring. Maintain a minimumseparation of 12 in. or more between other wiring andremote room sensor wiring.2. Check the remote room sensor calibration. Calibrate thesensor by manual calibration at the TEMP systemthermostat using the Remote Room Sensor Calibrationfunction (category 5, option 3) and an accurate thermom-eter. Measure the temperature at the remote room tem-perature sensor location using the accurate thermometer.Wait for the reading to stabilize. Using the set point but-tons, increase or decrease the temperature display to matchthe reading of the thermometer.DUCT TEMPERTURE SENSOR OUT OF RANGE — AnHF05 error is issued when the duct temperature sensor isreading below 30 F or greater than 180 F. The duct tem-perature sensor can be recalibrated. The HF05 error will au-tomatically clear when the sensor reading is back within theallowable range.To check the duct temperature sensor:1. Check that the duct temperature sensor wiring and con-nections to the relay board are physically intact. Ensurethe 5-conductor control wiring running between the relaypack and the TEMP system thermostat is not run nearAC, control, or communication bus wiring. Maintain aminimum separation of 12 in. or more between other wir-ing and remote room sensor wiring.2. Check the duct temperature sensor calibration. Calibratethe sensor by manual calibration at the TEMP system ther-mostat using the Duct Temperature Sensor Calibration func-tion (category 5, option 5) and an accurate thermometer.Measure the temperature at the duct temperature sensorlocation using the accurate thermometer. Wait for the read-ing to stabilize. Using the set point buttons, increase ordecrease the temperature display to match the reading ofthe thermometer.HARDWARE NOVRAM FAILURE — An HF06 error isissued when the TEMP system thermostat detects a problemin its non-volatile memory. If the TEMP system thermostatis able to correct the problem, the error will clear in approxi-mately 10 minutes. If the condition persists, the TEMP sys-tem thermostat must be replaced.HARDWARE A/D FAILURE — An HF07 error is issuedwhen the TEMP system thermostat detects a problem withits analog/digital converter circuitry. If the TEMP system ther-mostat is able to correct the problem, the error will clear inapproximately 10 minutes. If the condition persists, the TEMPsystem thermostat must be replaced.DX COIL TEMPERATURE SENSOR OUT OF RANGE —An HF09 error is issued when the DX coil temperature sen-sor is reading below 30 F or greater than 180 F. The DXcoil temperature sensor can be recalibrated. The HF09 errorwill automatically clear when the sensor reading is back withinthe allowable range.To check the DX coil temperature sensor:1. Check that the DX coil temperature sensor wiring andconnections to the circuit board are physically intact. En-sure the 5-conductor control wiring running between thesensor, relay pack, and the TEMP system thermostat isnot run near AC, control, or communication bus wiring.Maintain a minimum separation of 12 in. or more be-tween other wiring and remote room sensor wiring.2. Check the DX coil temperature sensor calibration. Cali-brate the sensor by manual calibration at the TEMP sys-tem thermostat using the DX Coil Temperature SensorCalibration function (category 5, option 7) and an accu-rate thermometer. Measure the temperature at the DX coiltemperature sensor location using the accurate thermom-eter. Wait for the reading to stabilize. Using the set pointbuttons, increase or decrease the temperature display tomatch the reading of the thermometer.23