The system is operating normally without alarm duringthe cooling mode. The trend of the space temperature indi-cates that the system is unable to keep the space within setpoints, and space temperature rises to 76.5 degrees F. Thetrend of the space temperature is not improving, and tem-perature conditions are getting worse for at least seven min-utes. At that time, a space temperature (Comfort Trend) alarm(SE01) is initiated. The alarm will automatically clear whenthe system can properly maintain space temperature condi-tions within the space.The alarm is removed using the manual reset. The systemwill not return to normal without being reset.CLEARING THE ALARM FROM THE THERMO-STAT — Space temperature alarms can be cleared or ‘‘erased’’from the system in 3 ways:• Cycle power to the thermostat OFF, then ON.• Reset the Unit Thermostat. Initiate a reset by switchingthe Unit Reset option to the ON configuration (category 7,option 11).• Switch the configuration value for Comfort Trend De-mand or the Comfort Trend Time Limit to zero, then backto an acceptable range (category 7, options 4 or 5).Discharge-Air Temperature Alarm (Heat/CoolMode Error) — See Table 7 for Discharge-Air Tempera-ture alarm specifications.Table 7 — Discharge Air Temperature AlarmFUNCTION DESCRIPTIONControllers TEMP system ThermostatSensor Required Duct Temperature SensorSensor Wiring Wires to Terminal 13 and 15Input Unit Discharge Air TemperatureOutput SE07 Heat Mode Alarm, SE08 CoolMode AlarmCategory/Option 7.9 (Heat Mode Error Alarm Set Point)7.10 (Cool Mode Error Alarm Set Point)ConfigurationValuesHeating: Min 0, Max 140Cooling: Min 0, Max 140ConfigurationIncrements 1° FAssociatedFunctions NoneOPERATIONHeating Mode– Alarm is issued when unit discharge tem-perature is not above the heating mode error set point.Cooling Mode– Alarm is issued when unit discharge tem-perature is not below the cooling mode error set point.CONFIGURATION TO ACTIVATE ALARM — To acti-vate alarm, configure error set points for Heat/Cool mode (0to 140 F). An automatic 10-minute warm-up/cool-down pe-riod is initiated before any temperature checking begins.CONFIGURATION TO NORMALIZE ALARM — Whenunit discharge temperature rises above the heat mode errorset point, the heat mode alarm is normalized. When unit dis-charge temperature drops below the cool mode error set point,the cool mode alarm is normalized.For example, the Heating/Cooling Mode Error set pointsare 90 and 55 F. During a heat mode, after 10-minute heat-ing period, if discharge temperature does not increase above90 F, a heat mode error is generated. After discharge tem-perature increases to above 90 F, the alarm is normalized.During cooling mode, after a 10-minute cooling period, ifdischarge temperature does not drop to below 55 F, a coolmode error is generated. After the discharge temperature de-creases to below 55 F, the alarm is normalized.CLEARING THE ALARM FROM THE THERMOSTAT —Heat/Cool Mode Alarms are cleared or ‘‘erased’’ from thesystem in 2 ways:• Cycle power to the thermostat OFF, then ON.• Reset the unit thermostat. Initiate a reset by switching theUnit Reset to the ON configuration (category 7, option 11).Fan Status Alarm — Refer to Table 8 for Fan StatusAlarm specifications.Table 8 — Fan Status AlarmFUNCTION DESCRIPTIONControllers TEMP system ThermostatSensor Required Airflow, Digital InputSensor Wiring Terminals 8 and 9 of 33CSUCE-06 Re-lay PackInput Open contacts at sensor from lack ofairflowOutput Alarm SE06, Cannot Detect Fan OnAlarm SE12, Cannot Detect Fan OffCategory/Option 5.10 (Fan Status)ConfigurationValues Default OFF, Min OFF, Max ONConfigurationIncrements NoneAssociatedFunctionsFan Operation for Heat (Category 4,Option 1)OPERATIONThe detecting or verifying fan is running. The fan relay is onor Heat 1 relay is on.When the TEMP system thermostat indicates commandedstate of FAN (relay) is on, but flow switch indicates no air-flow after 30-second time delay (sensor contacts still open),an alarm condition is initiated (heat or cool or ventilationmode).When the TEMP system thermostat indicates commandedstate of HEAT 1 (relay) is on, but flow switch indicates noairflow after 120-second delay time (sensor contacts still open),an alarm condition is initiated. This delay time allows forunits having internal control of heat, versus thermostat con-trol of heat.When an alarm condition is initiated:• system mode (either heat or cool) is dropped• alarm SE06, Cannot Detect Fan ON, is issued• A manual reset is required to reset the alarmDetecting or verifying fan is OFF. Fan Relay is OFF andHeat 1 Relay OFF.When the TEMP system thermostat indicates commandedstate of FAN (relay) is OFF, but flow switch indicates thatairflow still exists after 240-second delay time from fan offcommand (sensor contacts still closed), an alarm conditionis initiated.When alarm condition is initiated:• the TEMP system thermostat will continue to operate thesystem. This allows future calls for heat or cool to be ini-tiated.• alarm SE12, Cannot Detect Fan OFF, is issued• a manual reset is required to reset the alarmCONFIGURATION TO ACTIVATE ALARM — To acti-vate the alarm, configure the Fan Status Switch option (cat-egory 5, option 10) to ON. Leave the Fan Operation For Heatoption (category 4, option 1) ON.27