38HDF018-036Duct Free Condensing Units38HDR018-060Ducted Condensing UnitsInstallation, Start-Up andService InstructionsCONTENTSPa_SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ...................... 1INSTALLATION ................................ I l0Step 1 -- Complete Pre-lnstallation Checks ...... I• IfNPACK UNIT• INSPECT SHIPMLNT• CONSII)I R SYSTLM REQUIREMI NTS• MVI'CHINGTHI CONI)INSINGUNIT'I_)ANINDOOR UNITStep 2 -- Rig and Mount Unit ..................... 3• Me! ;NTINC, ON GROUNI)• MOIINTINGONROOF• RIGGINGStep 3 -- Complete Refrigerant PipingConnections ................................... 3• CHI('KACC!JR,VI'IH• FII:I'ERH _.• MAKEPIPINGS\\EXI'('ONNIMTOI_S• PROVII)I SAFETY P.LI,Ilff _Step 4 -- Make Electrical Connections ........... 6• L'ONTROL ( *II_( [fiT WII• POWI:I_ WIRING• CONNECTIONS T() I)UCTFPd I FAN COII, UNITSSTART-UP ....................................... 1 lSERVICE ..................................... II 14MAINTENANCE ................................. 14TROUBLESHOOTING .......................... 14.15INSTALLATIONStep 1 -- Complete Pre-lnstallation ChecksITNPACK !INIT (Sue Fig I i Move the' unit Io lina] 1o_1[ioll R<'move ufli[ horn _:lr[t_ll, buillg calefil[ rlol 10 d_llllag_'selvice valves and gdik'sSAFETY CONSIDERATIONSIns{!lling and servicing air conditioning equipmenl can I_]l_lz_lfdotls dtl_ {t) Sys[el31 pl_2ss[Ife _Ii_d _[ec[lica[ _)131polluil[sOnly tmhl_l and qualified service i_rsonnel shoukl insla[] orservice air conditionhlg equipmenlUll[r;til_ed i_rsofll_el c_n _rforl_l basic mail_l_llaflce, suchas cleaning and replacing lillers All olher operations should beperk)filial by train_i service persollll_2] Wll_ll WOJkill_2oil aircondilioning equipment, observe sa_ly p_cautions hi ]ileratuJ_, lags. and ]abels atlached Io unilFol]<>_ a[] sa_{y codes¸ Wear sa_ly glasses and workgloves U_ quenching clolh lbr _azing operations¸ Have lifeexthlguisher available¸ Re_l Ihese ins_ruc{ions _oroughly_Consuil k_al building codes and tile Naliona] Elec{rica] Code/NI_:) I_>l¸ s_._cial insta[]alion requh_menlsBeh_rc inslalling o_ servicing syslem, always mm off mainpower [o sysl_ll_ There may be i_loJ_ [hall olle digcollll_c[_wilch Turn offaccessory healer power if applicable L]echica] shock carl catlse seli<)lls _1 solla[ illith yFig. 1 --38HDF,HDR UnitINSPECT SHIPMLNT File a claim wilh the shippingcompany if shipmcnl is d_lmag_d or incomplete Check uni_flamep]a[_2 [o ell sufe_ulli[ ii_a[ches job fe_quirelll_2IllSCONSIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Consult localbuilding c<×les and NEC fi_rspecial hlsla][alion requiJ_mentsAllow su_icienl space l_>rairflow clearance, wiring, _ffigeran_ piping, and servicing unit¸ See Fig 2I,oc_ll_ tlfli[ so [ha[ colld_211serairflow is tll_l_2sIricRxi<>l__)[hsides¸ Rear to I_g 2Unil may be moun{ed on a level pad directly on base legs ormounled on raised pads al sup_>l_ points See Fig 2 I_>l¸ cenlerof gmvilyM_VI'CHING THE CONI)ENSING UNIT TO ANINDOOR UNIT The 38HI)EHDR unit_ can be match_l _oa _rresponding ind<×)r uni_ The 38HDI_I18 036 units can bema{ched with an in cei]hlg casse_ or high wail indoor unJlllle 38HI)R unil can be malched with underceiiing and residcntia] l_n coils¸ Re_l ¸ to separate hl(k×)r uni_ ]itemltne IbrManufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.Book _ 4 C_talog NO 02-38HDOOO1 S[ Printed in US A Form 38HD_,SI Pg _ 1-o6 Replace_: 38NDC 3SI