13Step 8 — Make Connections Between Indoorand Outdoor Units — The thermostat is wired betweenthe indoor and outdoor units to make the system complete.CHECK ACCURATER METERING DEVICE — The cor-rect AccuRater (bypass type) refrigerant control is required forsystem capacity optimization. An AccuRater device(see Fig. 19) is supplied with the outdoor unit. Refer toTables 4A-4C to determine the correct AccuRater piston sizeand charge combination required for the condenser/evaporatorsystem being installed.Piston style as shown in Fig. 19 is shipped with the unit.Do not interchange components between the AccuRater devicetypes.COOLING ONLY SYSTEMS — The following connec-tions must be made to the outdoor unit for it to operate as a sys-tem with the indoor unit:Route 2 wires of field-supplied 18-gage AWG (AmericanWire Gage) thermostat cable between the low-voltage terminalblock of the fan coil unit and the blue and brown low-voltagewires in the outdoor unit low voltage terminal block. Connectthe wires Y1 to Y and C to C. See Fig. 19.HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS — The following connectionsmust be made to the outdoor unit for it to operate as a systemwith the indoor unit:Route 5 wires of field-supplied 18-gage AWG thermostatcable between the low-voltage terminal block of the fan coiland the outdoor unit low-voltage terminal block. Connect Y1to Y, R to R, O to O, W2 to W2, and C to C with the wires. SeeFig. 20.The heat pump unit uses a timed defrost method. The timeddefrost can be field set for 30, 50, or 90 minutes. The timed de-frost is factory set for 90 minutes.LEGENDASM — Air Sweep MotorASR — Air Sweep RelayEQUIP GND — Equipment GroundFL — Fuse LinkFPT — Freeze Protection ThermostatHP — Heat PumpHR — Heater RelayHTR — HeaterHTT — Heater Temp. ThermostatIFM — Indoor-Fan MotorNEC — National Electrical CodePL — PlugTB — Terminal BoardTRAN — TransformerTerminal (Marked)Terminal (Unmarked)SpliceTerminal BlockFactory WiringField Power WiringField Control WiringPrinted Circuit BoardAccessory or Optional WiringNOTES:1. If any of the original wire furnished must be replaced, it must be replaced with type 90 C wire or its equivalent.2. Wire in accordance with NEC and local codes.3. Transformer is thermally protected and will reset automatically.4. Indoor-fan motor(s) are inherently thermally protected.Fig. 17 — Control Circuit Connections Arrangement