7TO INSTALL THERMOSTAT:If there is at least 3/8 in. of space between the back of indoorunit and wall:1. Route thermostat wires (field-supplied) through slot inright side or rear panel of indoor unit (Fig. 3).2. Route wires over refrigerant and drain piping as shownin Fig. 12.Step 4 — Connect Refrigerant Piping — Fan coilunits may be connected to outdoor units using field-suppliedrefrigerant grade piping. Refer to Tables 3A and 3B for the cor-rect size piping. The length of refrigerant pipe depends on theunit placement and building structure; run pipes as directly aspossible. For piping requirements over 50 ft of total run, ormore than 25 ft of lift, consult the Residential Long Line Appli-cation Guide.To connect piping:1. Install insulation. It is extremely important that allrefrigerant lines and the metering device be insulatedon heat pumps and multi-splits. On cooling only units,the liquid line may be left uninsulated. Use any accept-able heat resistant closed-cell foam insulation (mini-mum 3/ 8-in. wall thickness). When insulating piping,cap ends and slide insulation over the piping. Insula-tion can also be cut and placed over piping.2. Run liquid and gas refrigerant piping.a. Run pipes as directly as possible, and avoid anyunnecessary turns and bends.b. Suspend refrigerant pipes so that the insulation isnot damaged and vibrations are not transmitted tothe structure.c. Leave slack in the refrigerant pipe between thestructure and the unit to absorb vibrations.d. A piston is shipped in the factory-installed meter-ing device body (Fig. 13) with the indoor unit. UseTables 4A-4C to verify that you have the requiredpiston size for the system being installed.e. For special applications such as long lines or raisedelevations, consult the Residential Long LineApplication Guide for specific system require-ments. The arrow on the metering device bodymust face away from the indoor coil.IMPORTANT: Do not route wires under the piping, orwires could impede air filter removal.DO NOT BURY MORE THAN 36 IN. OF REFRIGER-ANT PIPE IN THE GROUND. If any section of pipe isburied, there must be a 6-in. vertical rise to the valve con-nections on the outdoor unit. If more than the recommendedlength is buried, refrigerant may migrate to the cooler, bur-ied section during extended periods of unit shutdown, caus-ing refrigerant slugging and possible compressor damage atstart-up.IMPORTANT: The metering device is factory-installed and only needs to be replaced for long lineapplications or if the system combination requires it.See Tables 4A-4C. See Fig. 13.Fig. 6 — Installing Hex-Head Mounting Boltsin Fan Coil UnitDIMENSIONS (in.)Fig. 7 — Fan Coil Unit Hanging DimensionsUNIT SIZE A B C024 50 15/ 16 46 49 5/ 8036 58 13/ 16 53 7/ 8 57 1/ 2048 71 9/ 16 66 5/ 8 70 1/ 4060 92 87 90 5/ 8DIMENSIONS (in.)*Exposed mounting holes.†Reverse bracket holes (concealed mounting).Fig. 8 — Mounting Included withFan Coil UnitUNIT SIZE B C024 46 49 5/ 8036 53 7/ 8 57 1/ 2048 66 5/ 8 70 1/ 4060 87 90 5/ 8Fig. 9 — Removing Rear Knockout in Side Panelif Right-Side Piping Connection is Used