GENERALDO NOT re-use compressor oil or any oil that has beenexposed to the atmosphere. Dispose of oil per local codesand regulations. DO NOT leave refrigerant system open toair any longer than the actual time required to service theequipment. Seal circuits being serviced and charge withdry nitrogen to prevent oil contamination when timelyrepairs cannot be completed. Failure to follow these proce-dures may result in damage to equipment. For informationabout replacement oil type and viscosity, see the Mini VRFOutdoor Unit installation instructions.The 40WAF 4-way ceiling cassette effectively makes eacharea served an independently controlled temperature zone.Through thermostatic control of operations, conditions can bevaried to suit diverse requirements and activities.The equipment is initially protected under the manufactur-er's standard warranty; however, the warranty is provided un-der the condition that the steps outlined in this manual for ini-tial inspection, proper installation, regular periodic mainte-nance, and everyday operation of the unit be followed in detail.This manual should be fully reviewed in advance before initialinstallation, start-up and any maintenance. Contact your localsales representative or the factory with any questions BEFOREproceeding.Table 1 lists physical data for each unit size. See Fig. 1 formodel number nomenclature. Figure 2 shows unit dflnensions.Table 1 -- 40WAF Physical DataUNIT 40WAFPOWER SUPPLY (V-Ph-Hz)COOLING CAPACITY (Btuh)HEATING CAPACITY (Btuh)INDOOR FAN MOTORTypeInput (W)INDOOR COILNumber of RowsFin Spacing (fins/in.)Fin TypeTube Diameter, OD (in.)Tube TypeNumber of CircuitsINDOOR AIRFLOW (cfm)LowMediumHighINDOOR NOISE LEVEL (dBA)LowMediumHighUNITUnit Dimensions, W x H x D (in.)Packing Dimensions, W x H x D (in.)Net/Gross Weight (Ib)PANELPanel Dimensions, W x H x D (in.)Packing Dimensions, W x H x D (in.)Net/Gross Weight (Ib)REFRIGERANT TYPETHROTTLEDESIGN PRESSURE, High/Low (psig)REFRIGERANT PIPING (in.)Liquid Side, ODGas Side, ODCONNECTING WIRING (AWG)Power WiringSignal WiringDRAINAGE WATER PIPE DIAMETER, OD (in.)CONTROLLERLEGENDAWG -- American Wire GageEXV -- Electronic Expansion Valve009 I 012 I 015 I 018 I 024 I 030 I 036 I 048208/230-1-609,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 24,000 30,000 36,000 48,00010,900 13,600 17,000 21,500 27,000 34,000 42,000 51,200DC Motor55 I 55 I 60 I 120 I 1351 I 2 I 316Hydrophylic Aluminum0 275Inner Groove Tube4 I 8 I 12398 414 440 609 720490 504 584 729 839578 606 706 939 101732 34 34 36 3537 38 39 41 4542 43 45 47 5035 5/8 x 9 x 33 1/8 35 5/8 x 11 7/8 X 33 1/837 19/32 X 10 15/64 X 37 19/32 37 19/32 X 12 63/64 X 37 19/3249/64 I 53/66 62/77 I 66/8237 3/8 x 2 9/64 X 37 3/840 3/4 X 3 15/16 x 40 3/413/20R-410AEXV650/2501/4 3/81/2 5/83 x14 (L_< 65 5/8 ft); 2x12+1x14(L_<164ft)3x201 1/4Wireless Remote Controller (Standard)