40 in. MIN.40 in. MIN.40in. MIN.40 in. MIN.Fig. 4 -- Distance from Wall or Obstruction• Do not position where the discharge air could blowdirectly on the thermostat.• Recommended distance between 2 units is 10 ft to avoidconflicting airflow and recirculation.• The unit should not be positioned directly above anyobstruction.• The unit must be installed square and level.• The condensate drain should have sufficient downwardslope (1 in. per 100 in.) in any horizontal run betweenunit and drain. Maximum condensate lift is 29.5 inches.IMPORTANT: Be sure that the ceiling grid is supportedseparately from the unit. The ceiling grid must not besupported by an part of the unit or any associated wir-ing or piping work.Step 3 E Mount the UnitINSTALLING HANGER BOLTS -- Install the hanger boltsat the locations shown in Fig. 5. Use 3/s-in. all-threaded rod.For unit weight, see Table 2.dm¢oo,1L30 3/4 in.I °Table 2 -- Unit Weight40WAF UNIT WEIGHT (Ib)*009 59012 59015 64018 64024 64030 71036 71048 77*Includes grille weight.MOUNTING UNIT -- The unit can now be lifted on to thehanging rods for mounting.1. Use rods and fasteners to suspend the unit at the factory-provided mounting holes.2. Adjust the height of the unit until the bottom (withoutgrille) is level with the false ceiling.3. Secure the unit in position with locknuts and washers onboth sides of the unit bracket. Ensure that the threadedrod does not protrude more than 2 in. below the mountingbrackets as shown in Fig. 6./3/8 in.THR_DED ROD < 2 in.Fig. 6 -- Threaded RodINSTALLING PANELNOTE: Panel is ordered separately.1. Remove the grille from the panel by sliding the grillelatches toward the center of the panel.2. Lift the grille up at a 45-degree angle and pull to detach itfrom the panel.3. Unscrew the bolts on the 4 corners of the cover panel. Re-move the cover by loosening the cord. See Fig. 7.Fig. 5 -- Mounting Hole Locations