50HX ELECTRIC HEATER PACKAGES — 208/240 V, 3-PHASE,SINGLE-POINT WIRING CONNECTIONSUNITSIZE50HXELECTRIC HEATACCESSORY KITCPHEATER---A00ELECTRIC HEAT(kW)*HEATERFLAMIN CIRCUITAMPACITY FORWIRE SIZINGMAX FUSEOR HACRBRKR MOCP208 V 240 V 208 V 240 V 208 V 240 V 208 V 240 V 208 V 240 V030 007 7.5 10.0 20.8 24.1 42.7 46.7 45 50 — —019 11.3 15.0 31.3 36.1 55.7 61.7 60 — — 70036007 7.5 10.0 20.8 24.1 44.5 48.5 50 50 — —019 11.3 15.0 31.3 36.1 57.5 63.6 60 — — 70020 13.1 17.5 36.5 42.1 64.0 71.1 — — 70 80042007 7.5 10.0 20.8 24.1 47.9 51.9 50 60 — —019 11.3 15.0 31.3 36.1 61.0 67.0 — — 70 70020 13.1 17.5 36.5 42.1 67.5 74.5 — — 70 80048007 7.5 10.0 20.8 24.1 53.4 57.4 60 60 — —019 11.3 15.0 31.3 36.1 66.4 72.5 — — 70 80020 13.1 17.5 36.5 42.0 72.9 80.0 — — 80 80060018 7.5 10.0 20.8 24.1 59.5 63.5 — — 70 70019 11.3 15.0 31.3 36.1 72.5 78.5 — — 80 80020 13.1 17.5 36.5 42.0 79.0 86.0 — — 80 90LEGENDFLA — Full Load AmpsHACR BRKR — Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration CircuitBreakerMOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection (fuses or HACR-type circuit breaker)NEC — National Electrical Code*Electric heat capacity (kW) is based on heater voltages of 208 v or240 v. If power distribution voltage to units varies from rated heatervoltage, see Wattage Multiplication Factors table on page 19.NOTE: In compliance with NEC requirements for multimotor and com-bination load equipment (refer to NEC Articles 430 and 440), the over-current protective device for the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker.50HX ELECTRIC HEATER PACKAGES — 480 V, 3-PHASE,SINGLE-POINT WIRING CONNECTIONSUNITSIZE50HXELECTRIC HEATACCESSORY KITCPHEATER---A00ELECTRIC HEAT(kW)* HEATERFLAMIN CIRCUITAMPACITY FORWIRE SIZINGMAX FUSEOR HACR BRKR480 V 480 V 480 V036010 10.0 12.0 24.4 25011 15.0 18.0 31.9 35012 17.5 21.0 35.6 40042010 10.0 12.0 25.9 30011 15.0 18.0 33.5 35012 17.5 21.0 37.2 40LEGENDFLA — Full Load AmpsHACR BRKR — Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration CircuitBreakerMOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection (fuses or HACR-type circuit breaker)NEC — National Electrical Code*Electric heat capacity (kW) is based on heater voltages of 480 v. Ifpower distribution voltage to units varies from rated heater voltage, seeWattage Multiplication Factors table on page 19.NOTES:1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multimotor and combina-tion load equipment (refer to NEC Articles 430 and 440), the over-current protective device for the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker.2. This unit must be supplied from a 480 v, 3-phase power supply witha maximum voltage to ground of 300 v.23