20Condensate trap — A 2-in. condensate trap must be fieldsupplied.Ductwork — Secure downflow discharge ductwork to roofcurb. For horizontal discharge applications, attach ductworkto unit with flanges.To convert a unit to downflow discharge — Units areequipped with factory-installed inserts in the downflowopenings. Remove the inserts similar to removing anelectrical knock-out. Leave on duct covers to seal thehorizontal discharge openings in the unit. Units installed inhorizontal discharge orientation do not require duct covers.Maximum cooling airflow — To minimize the possibilityof condensate blow-off from the evaporator, airflowthrough the units should not exceed 450 cfm/ton.Minimum cooling airflow — The minimum coolingairflow is 350 cfm/ton.Minimum cooling ambient operating temperature — Allstandard units have a minimum ambient operatingtemperature of 40°F. With accessory low ambient temperaturekit, units can operate at temperatures down to 0°F.Maximum operating outdoor air temperature — Maximumoutdoor operating air temperature for cooling is 125°F.Application data1” MIN.2” MIN.TRAPOUTLET