ACCESSORY DUCT FLANGE KIT INSTALLATION —Refer to Fig. 26 for duct adapter dimensions and holelocations.1. Mark hole locations shown in Fig. 26.2. At marked locations, drill holes using a no. 26 (.147-in.)twist drill.3. Partially secure duct flanges using two of the no. 10, 1⁄2-in.screws provided.4. See the following caution. Using remaining holes in ductflanges as templates, drill the remaining holes with theno. 26 (.147-in.) drill.Do not drill deeper than 1⁄2-in. into shaded area shownin Fig. 26. Damage to refrigerant coil could result.5. Fully secure the duct flanges using the remaining screwsprovided.The finished kit installation accommodates a 143 ⁄4-in. x14 3⁄ 4-in. duct.Step 6 — Provide for Condensate DisposalNOTE: Be sure that condensate-water disposal methods com-ply with local codes, restrictions, and practices.Unit disposes of condensate through a 3 ⁄4-in. NPT fittingwhich exits through the compressor access panel. SeeFig. 2-9 for location of condensate connection.Condensate water can be drained directly onto the roof inrooftop installations (where permitted) or onto a gravel apronin ground-level installations. Install a field-supplied conden-sate trap at end of condensate connection to ensure properdrainage. Make sure that the outlet of the trap is at least1 in. lower than the drain-pan condensate connection to pre-vent the pan from overflowing. See Fig. 27. Prime the trapwith water. When using a gravel apron, make sure it slopesaway from the unit.If the installation requires draining the condensate wateraway from the unit, install a 2-in. trap using a 3⁄4 -in. FPTconnection. See Fig. 27. Make sure that the outlet of the trapis at least 1 in. lower than the unit drain-pan condensate con-nection to prevent the pan from overflowing. Prime the trapwith water. Connect a drain tube using a minimum of 3⁄ 4-in.PVC, 3⁄ 4-in. CPVC, or 3⁄ 4-in. copper pipe (all field supplied).Do not undersize the tube. Pitch the drain tube downward ata slope of at least 1 in. for every 10 ft of horizontal run. Besure to check the drain tube for leaks. Prime trap at the be-ginning of the cooling season start-up.PLUG ASSEMBLIESRACEWAYFILLERBRACKETBLOWERSHELFFig. 24 — Filler Bracket and Blower ShelfHORIZONTAL DUCT OPENINGFig. 25 — Housing Placed for Vertical AirflowNOTE: Do not drill more than 1⁄ 2-in. deep in shaded area.Fig. 26 — Duct Flange Kit — Locating Holes(Typical)20