Step 7 — Install Electrical ConnectionsThe unit cabinet must have an uninterrupted, unbrokenelectrical ground to minimize the possibility of personalinjury if an electrical fault should occur. This groundmay consist of an electrical wire connected to the unitwire-binding screw in the control compartment, or con-duit approved for electrical ground when installed in ac-cordance with NEC (National Electrical Code), ANSI/NFPA (latest edition) (in Canada, Canadian ElectricalCode CSA C22.1) and local electrical codes. Failure toadhere to this warning could result in personal injury ordeath.Failure to follow these precautions could result in dam-age to the unit being installed:1. Make all electrical connections in accordance withNEC ANSI/NFPA (latest edition) and local elec-trical codes governing such wiring. In Canada, allelectrical connections must be in accordance with CSAStandard C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code Part 1and applicable local codes. Refer to unit wiringdiagram.2. Use only copper conductor for connections betweenfield-supplied electrical disconnect switch and unit.DO NOT USE ALUMINUM WIRE.3. Be sure that high-voltage power to unit is within op-erating voltage range indicated on unit rating plate.On 3-phase units, ensure that phases are balanced within2%. Consult local power company for correction ofimproper voltage and/or phase imbalance.4. Insulate low-voltage wires for highest voltage con-tained within conduit when low-voltage control wiresare run in same conduit as high-voltage wires.5. Do not damage internal components when drillingthrough any panel to mount electrical hardware, con-duit, etc.HIGH-VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS — The unit must havea separate electrical service with a field-supplied, water-proof disconnect switch mounted at, or within sight from theunit. Refer to the unit rating plate for maximum fuse/circuitbreaker size and minimum circuit amps (ampacity) for wiresizing. See Tables 4A and 4B for electrical data.The field-supplied disconnect may be mounted on the unitover the high-voltage inlet hole. See Fig. 2-9.If the unit has an electric heater, a second disconnect maybe required. Consult the Installation, Start-Up and ServiceInstructions provided with the accessory for electrical serv-ice connections.Operation of unit on improper line voltage constitutesabuse and may cause unit damage that could affectwarranty.ROUTING POWER LEADS INTO UNIT — Use only cop-per wire between disconnect and unit. The high-voltage leadsshould be in a conduit until they enter the duct panel; con-duit termination at the duct panel must be watertight. Runthe high-voltage leads through the knockout on the duct panel(see Fig. 28 for location and size). When the leads are insidethe unit, run leads up the high-voltage raceway to the linewiring splice box (Fig. 29). For single-phase units, connectleads to the black and yellow wires; for 3-phase units,connect the leads to the black, yellow, and blue wires (seeFig. 30).CONNECTING GROUND LEAD TO WIRE-BINDINGSCREW — Refer to Fig. 29 and 30. Connect the groundlead to the chassis using the wire-binding screw in the wir-ing splice box.ROUTING CONTROL POWER WIRES — STD NON-ICM UNITS (24 v) — For all units except 50SS060, forma drip-loop with the thermostat leads before routing theminto the unit. Route the thermostat leads through grommetedhole provided in unit (see Fig. 28) into unit control powersplice box. Connect thermostat leads to unit control powerleads as shown in Fig. 31.For 50SS060 units, remove knockout in the duct panel (seeFig. 28).Remove the rubber grommet from the installer’s packet(included with unit) and install it in the knockout opening.Route thermostat wires through grommet providing a driploop at the panel. Connect low-voltage leads to the thermo-stat as shown in Fig. 31.The unit transformer supplies 24-v power for completesystem including accessory electrical heater. Transformer isfactory wired for 230-v operation. If supply voltage is 208 v,rewire transformer primary as described in the Special Pro-cedures for 208-v Operation section on page 24.Fig. 27 — Condensate Trap21