If manual disconnect switch is to be mounted on furnace,select a location where a drill or fastener will not contactelectrical or gas components. Failure to follow this cautionwill result in intermittent unit operation or performancesatisfaction.24-V WIRINGMake field 24-v thermostat connections at 24-v terminal block onfurnace control. Y wire from thermostat MUST be connected toY/Y2 terminal on control, as shown in Fig. 28, for proper coolingoperation. The 24-v terminal block is marked for easy connectionof field wiring. (See Fig. 32.) The 24-v circuit contains a 3-amp,automotive-type fuse located on furnace control. (See Fig. 32.)Any electrical shorts of 24-v wiring during installation, service, ormaintenance may cause fuse to blow. If fuse replacement isrequired, use only a fuse of identical size (3 amp) and type. Thefurnace control will flash status code 24 when fuse needs replace-ment.NOTE: Use AWG No. 18 color-coded copper thermostat wire forlengths up to 100 ft. For wire lengths over 100 ft, use AWG No.16 wire.NOTE: For additional thermostat connection diagrams, referenceFig. 54-61.Fig. 28—Heating and Cooling Application Wiring DiagramA98325115-VFIELD-SUPPLIEDDISCONNECTSWITCH115-VSINGLEPHASEAUXILIARYJ-BOXFURNACECONTROLCENTERTWO WIRE24-VTERMINALBLOCKTHREE-WIREHEATINGONLYFIVEWIRENOTE 5NOTE 1NOTE3THERMOSTATTERMINALS FIELD-SUPPLIEDDISCONNECTCONDENSINGUNITRW2W C R G YGNDGNDGNDGNDFIELD 24-V WIRINGFIELD 115-, 208/230-, 460-V WIRINGFACTORY 24-V WIRINGFACTORY 115-, 208/230-, 460-V WIRING208/230- OR460-VTHREE PHASE208/230-VSINGLEPHASEW/W1Y/Y2GCNOTES: Y or Y/Y2 terminal as shown for proper cooling operation.Proper polarity must be maintained for 115-v wiring.Use W2 with 2-stage thermostat when zoning.If any of the original wire, as supplied, must be replaced, usesame type or equivalent wire.Some thermostats require a "C" terminal connection as shown.Do not connect aluminum wire between disconnect switchand furnace. Use only copper wire. (See Fig. 29.) Failure tofollow this caution will result in intermittent unit operation orperformance satisfaction.A93033Fig. 29—Disconnect Switch and FurnaceCOPPERWIRE ONLYELECTRICDISCONNECTSWITCHALUMINUMWIREFig. 30—Relocating J-BoxA00212FACTORYINSTALLEDLOCATIONALTERNATEFIELDLOCATION21→