7. Check dry fit of pipe and mark insertion depth on pipe.NOTE: It is recommended that all pipes be cut, prepared, andpreassembled before permanently cementing any joint.8. After pipes have been cut and preassembled, apply generouslayer of cement primer to pipe fitting socket and end of pipeto insertion mark. Quickly apply approved cement to end ofpipe and fitting socket (over primer). Apply cement in a light,uniform coat on inside of socket to prevent buildup of excesscement. Apply second coat.9. While cement is still wet, twist pipe into socket with 1/4 turn.Be sure pipe is fully inserted into fitting socket.10. Wipe excess cement from joint. A continuous bead of cementwill be visible around perimeter of a properly made joint.11. Handle pipe joints carefully until cement sets.12. Support combustion-air and vent piping a minimum of every5 ft (3 ft for SDR-21 or -26 PVC) using perforated metalhanging strap.13. Slope combustion-air and vent pipes downward toward fur-nace a minimum of 1/4 in. per linear ft with no sags betweenhangers.14. Use appropriate methods to seal openings where vent andcombustion-air pipes pass through roof or sidewall.CONCENTRIC VENT AND COMBUSTION-AIRTERMINATION KIT INSTALLATIONNOTE: If these instructions differ from those packaged withtermination kit, follow kit instructions.Combustion-air and vent pipes must terminate outside structure. Afactory accessory termination kit must be installed in 1 of theinstallations shown in Fig. 37, 38, 39, 40, or 41. Four terminationkits are available.See Table 6 for additional termination information.1. The 2-in. termination bracket kit is for 1-in., 1-1/2 in., and2-in. diameter 2-pipe termination systems.2. The 3-in. termination bracket kit is for 2-1/2 in. and 3-in.diameter 2-pipe termination systems.3. The 2-in. concentric vent/air termination kit is for 1-in., 1-1/2in., 2-in., and 2-1/2 in. diameter pipe systems when singlepenetration of wall or roof is desired.4. The 3-in. concentric vent/air termination kit is for 2-1/2 in. and3-in. diameter pipe systems when single penetration of wall orroof is desired.NOTE: Shaded parts in Fig. 37, 38, 39, 40, and 41 are consideredto be terminations. These components should NOT be countedwhen determining pipe diameter. Roof termination is preferredsince it is less susceptible to damage, has reduced chances to takeFig. 35—Short Vent (5 to 8 Ft) SystemA96230HORIZONTAL TO ROOF HORIZONTAL TO SIDEWALLVERTICAL TO SIDEWALLVERTICAL TO ROOFVENT PIPECOMBUSTION-AIR PIPE COMBUSTION-AIR PIPEVENT PIPECOMBUSTION-AIR PIPEVENT PIPECOMBUSTION-AIR PIPEVENT PIPE12″ MIN12″ MIN12″ MIN12″ MINNOTE: A 12 In. minimum offset pipe section is recommended withshort (5 to 8 ft) vent systems. This recommendation is to reduceexcessive condensate droplets from exiting the vent pipe.28→