SECTION 66-29 T-268-07NOTEThis packaging has been designed to protect theController/DataCORDER module from bothphysical and electrostatic discharge damageduring storage and transit.Installation:Install the module by reversing the steps in section6.27.b.Torque values for mounting screws (item 1,Figure 6-31) are 0.23 mkg (20 inch-pounds), and 0.12mkg (10 inch-pounds) for all connectors (MA, MB,MC, KA & KB).6.27.1 Controller/DataCORDER ProgrammingProcedureTo load new software into the module, theprogramming card is inserted into theprogramming/software port.WARNINGThe unit must be OFF whenever aprogramming card is inserted or removedfrom the programming/software port.The metal door on the programming cardmust be facing to the left when inserting.Procedure for loading Operational Software:a. Turn unit OFF, via start-stop switch (ST).b. Insert the programming card for OperationalSoftware into the programming/software port. (SeeFigure 6-31)c. Turn unit ON, via start-stop switch (ST).d. The Display module will read:(1.) If the correct card is being used the digitaldisplay will alternate back and forth betweenthe messages “rEV XXXX” and “Press EntR.”(2.) If a defective card is being used: the Displaywill blink the message “bAd CArd.” (Turnstart-stop switch OFF and remove the card.)e. Press the ENTER key on the keypad.f. The Display will show the message “Pro SoFt.”This message will last for up to one minute.g. The Display module will read:(1.) When the software loading has successfullycompleted: the Display will show the message“Pro donE.”(2.) If a problem occurs while loading the software:the Display will blink the message “Pro FAIL”or “bad 12V.” (Turn start-stop switch OFF andremove the card.)h. Turn unit OFF, via start-stop switch (ST).i. Remove the programming card from theprogramming/software port.j. Turn unit ON, via start-stop switch (ST).Procedure for loading Configuration Software:a. Turn unit OFF using start-stop switch (ST).b. Insert the programming card, for ConfigurationSoftware, into the programming/software port.(See Figure 6-31.)c. Turn unit ON using start-stop switch (ST).d. The Display module will read:(1.) If the correct card is being used, the digitaldisplay will show “nt40” on the left LCDdisplay and “511XXX” on the right LCDdisplay. “XXX” will indicate the dash numberfor a given unit model number, use the UP orDOWN ARROW key to scroll through the listto obtain the proper model dash number (i.e.,For the unit 69NT40-511-105, the left displaywill show “nt40,” press the UP or DOWNARROW key until the right display shows“511105.”)(2.) If a defective card is being used, the Displaywill blink the message “bAd CArd.” (Turnstart-stop switch OFF and remove the card.)e. Press the ENTER key on the keypad.f. The Display module will read:(1.) When the software loading has successfullycompleted, the Display will show the message“EEPrM donE.”(2.) If a problem occurs while loading the software,the Display will blink the message “Pro FAIL”or “bad 12V.” Turn start-stop switch OFF andremove the card.g. Turn unit OFF using start-stop switch (ST).h. Remove the programming card from theprogramming/software port.i. Turn unit ON using start-stop switch (ST).6.27.2 Controller Trouble-ShootingA group of test points (tp) are provided on the Controller(see Figure 6-31, item 3) for trouble-shooting electrical