SECTION 33-31 T-268-07Left Display: “dALnn” where nn = the alarmhistory entry 01-08RightDisplay:“xA nn” where x = “I” (inactive) or “A”(active)Or: “----------” if no alarms are currently inthe alarm history listh. Alarm ProcessingThe DataCORDER contains an eight alarm historyqueue which will contain the first eight alarms detectedby the DataCORDER. The alarms and theircorresponding alarm codes are specified in Table 3-7.The alarm queue will be located in the Battery BackedRAM (BRAM). The queue will also have acorresponding status which will indicate whether eachalarm is currently active or inactive. If multipleconsecutive occurrences of an alarm are generated, onlythe first will be stored. The queue may be cleared byusing the keypad. (If more than eight alarms occurbefore the queue is cleared, later alarms will beignored.) In addition, AL91 alarm code will appear ifthe DataCORDER queue is full.The out of range value is as follows:Thermistor Inputs: Low limit = --50.0 degCHigh limit = 70.0 degC3.3.6 USDA/ Message Trip CommentA special case event is supported for allowing the user toenter comments for a (USDA or any message) triprecording. The comments will be received from theinterrogator and have a maximum length of 78characters. Only one comment will be recorded per day.In the event that multiple comments occur, then only thelast is saved.3.3.7 USDA RecordingA special type of recording is provided for USDA coldtreatment purposes. Cold treatment recording requiresthree remote temperature probes to be placed at variouslocations of the cargo. Provision is made to connectthese probes to the DataCORDER via receptacleslocated at the rear left-hand side of the unit. Four (five,on some units) receptacles are provided. Four(three-pin) receptacles are for the probes and one (fivepin) receptacle is provided for the Interrogator. Allreceptacles are sized to accept a Deutsch HD16-5-16Ssize plug with a tricam coupling locking device. TheDataCORDER inputs are designed to accept a two wirethermistor probe.A label on the back panel of the unit shows whichreceptacle is used for each probe. The USDA #1, #2 and#3 probes (and possibly the optional Cargo probe) areinstalled in their receptacles.The DataCORDER records up to six probetemperatures (supply, return, USDA #1, #2, #3 and anoptional cargo probe #4), at the logging interval.The standard DataCORDER report displays the supplyand return air temperatures. The cold treatment reportdisplays USDA #1, #2, #3 and the supply and return airtemperatures. Cold treatment recording is backed up bya battery so recording can continue if AC power is lost.When the Relative Humidity Set Point mode isactivated or de-activated (ie., Controller function codeCd33), this status is stored in the DataCORDERmemory and reported at the next recording, as are likeevents such as economy mode and bulb mode.3.3.8 Pre-Trip Data RecordingThe unit is equipped with the ability to record pass/failinformation along with unit data resulting from theinitiation of pre-trip (see section 3.2.2). The data istime-stamped and may be extracted via interrogationusing CTD’s interrogation program. See Table 3-10 fora description of the data stored in the DataCORDER foreach corresponding Pre-Trip test.3.3.9 DataCORDER Communicationsa. DataCORDER Retrieval -- InterrogationData retrieval from the DataCORDER can beaccomplished with three devices: a CTD DataReaderand DataView software, a stand-alone DOS-baseportable computer with appropriate cable andDataView software, or a Remote Monitoring Unit(RMU).NOTEThe RMU designation is used in the industry.Be aware that CTD uses the designation CI(Communications Interface Module) on itsschematics.The optional interrogation software for a portablecomputer is supplied on a 3.5 and 5.25 inch floppy disk.This software allows interrogation, screen view of thedata, hard copy report generation, cold treatment probecalibration, cold treatment initialization and filemanagement.NOTERefer to Interrogation manual 62-02575 for amore detailed explanation of the interrogationsoftware.A short report on that interrogation can be displayed onthe computer to identify key information such as Trip