T-365 4–22During DataCORDER power-up, while using battery-pack power, the controller will perform a hardware voltagecheck on the battery. If the hardware check passes, the controller will energize and perform a software battery volt-age check before DataCORDER logging. If either test fails, the real time clock battery power-up will be disableduntil the next AC power cycle. Further DataCORDER temperature logging will be prohibited until that time.An alarm will be generated when the battery voltage transitions from good to bad indicating that the battery packneeds recharging. If the alarm condition persists for more than 24 hours on continuous AC power, it indicates thatthe battery pack needs replacement.4.8.9 Pre-Trip Data RecordingThe DataCORDER will record the initiation of a Pre-trip test (refer to Section 5.8) and the results of each testincluded in Pre-trip. The data is time-stamped and may be extracted via the Data Retrieval program. Refer to Table4–6 for a description of the data stored in the DataCORDER for each corresponding Pre-trip test.4.8.10 DataCORDER CommunicationsData retrieval from the DataCORDER can be accomplished by using the DataLINE, DataBANK Card, or a commu-nications interface module.NOTICEA DataLINE or a communications interface module display of Communication Failed is causedby faulty data transfer between the DataCORDER and the data retrieval device.Common causes include:1. Bad cable or connection between DataCORDER and data retrieval device.2. PC communication port(s) unavailable or mis-assigned.Configuration identification for the models covered herein may be obtained on the Container Products Group Infor-mation Center by authorized Carrier Transicold Service Centers.a. DataLINEThe DataLINE software for a personal computer is supplied on both floppy disks and CD. This softwareallows interrogation, configuration variable assignment, screen view of the data, hard copy report genera-tion, cold treatment probe calibration and file management. Refer to Data Retrieval manual 62-10629 for amore detailed explanation of the DataLINE interrogation software. The DataLINE manual may be found onthe internet at www.container.carrier.com.b. DataBANK CardThe DataBANK™card is a PCMCIA card that interfaces with the controller through the programming slot andcan download data at a fast rate. Files downloaded to DataBANK card files are accessible through an OmniPC Card Drive. The files can then be viewed using the DataLINE software.c. Communications Interface ModuleThe communications interface module is a slave module, which allows communication with a master centralmonitoring station. The module will respond to communication and return information over the main power line.With a communications interface module installed, all functions and selectable features that are accessibleat the unit may be performed at the master station. Retrieval of all DataCORDER reports may also be per-formed. Refer to the master system technical manual for further information.4.8.11 USDA Cold TreatmentSustained cold temperature has been employed as an effective postharvest method for the control of Mediterra-nean and certain other tropical fruit flies. Exposing infested fruit to temperatures of 2.2°C (36°F) or below forspecific periods results in the mortality of the various stages of this group of insects.In response to the demand to replace fumigation with this environmentally sound process, Carrier has inte-grated Cold Treatment capability into its microprocessor system. These units have the ability to maintain supplyair temperature within one quarter degree Celsius of set point and record minute changes in product tempera-ture within the DataCORDER memory, thus meeting USDA criteria. Information on USDA is provided in the fol-lowing sub-paragraphs.