Section 2 -- OperationCarrier Air-cooled 7 kW, 12 kW and 15 kW GeneratorsOPERATIONServicing of the battery is to be performed or supervisedby personnel knowledgeable of batteries and therequired precautions. Keep unauthorized personnelaway from batteries.When replacing the battery, use the following type ofbattery: Group 26 12-volt DC, negative ground batterywith a rating of 350 cold-cranking amps minimum for 7kW; 525 cold-cranking amps minimum for 12 and 15 kWat-17.8 ° C (0 ° F) minimum. When using a maintenance-free battery, it is not necessary to check the specificgravity or electrolyte level. Have these proceduresperformed at the intervals specified in the "ServiceSchedule." A negative ground system is used. Batteryconnections are shown on the wiring diagrams. Makesure the battery is correctly connected and terminals aretight. Observe battery polarity when connecting thebattery to the generator set.2.1 BREAK-IN PROCEDUREOnce the unit has been installed and all electrical checkshave been made, it is strongly recommended that thefollowing "Break-in Procedure" be completed to ensurecorrect generator operation in the future.1. Set the generator's AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch toAUTO.2. Turn OFF the utility power supply to the transferswitch using the means provided (such as a utilitymain line circuit breaker).3. The unit will start, and the transfer switch will transferto standby.4. Using the transfer switch's built-in emergency loadcenter, turn on circuits to load the generator toapproximately 25% rated load and run the unit forone hour.5. Run the unit for one hour at 50% rated load.6. Run the unit for one hour at 75% rated load.7. Run the unit for one hour at 100% rated load.8. Turn ON the utility power supply to the transferswitch, which will allow the transfer switch to transferback to utility power. The unit will continue to run forone minute and then shut down.9. Allow the unit to cool.10. Set the generator's main circuit breaker to its OFF (orOPEN) position.11. Set the generator's AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch toOFF. Remove the 7.5A and 15A fuses from thegenerator control panel. Disconnect the batterycables as outlined in "General Hazards" (page 2).12. Drain the oil and remove the oil filter. Replace the oilfilter according to Section 3.4, "Changing the OilFilter". Replace the oil with synthetic oil asrecommended in Section 3.3, "Changing the EngineOil".13. Reconnect the battery cables as outlined in "GeneralHazards" (page 2) and insert the 7.5A and 15A fusesinto the generator control panel. The generator isnow ready for service.2.2 USING THE AUTO/OFF/MANUALSWITCH (FIGURE 2.1)2.2.1 "AUTO" POSITIONSelecting this switch position activates fully automaticsystem operation. It also allows personnel to start andexercise the engine every seven days with the setting ofthe exercise timer (see Section 2.6). This position also isused for remote starting, when it is set up.2.2.2 "OFF" POSITIONThis switch position shuts down the engine. This positionalso prevents automatic operation.Figure 2.1 - Generator Control Panel2.2.3 "MANUAL" POSITIONSet the switch to MANUAL to crank and start the engine.Transfer to standby power will not occur unless there is autility failure.°_ WARNING _=With the switch set to AUTO, the engine maycrank and start at any time without warning.Such automatic starting normally occurs whenutility power source voltage drops below apreset level or during the normal exercise cycle.To prevent possible injury that might be causedby such sudden starts, always set the switch toOFF and remove the fuses before working onor around the generator or transfer switch.Then, place a "DO NOT OPERATE" tag on thegenerator panel and on the transfer switch.Carrier 9