30INSTALL VENT PIPING TO RELIEF VALVES — The23XRV chiller is factory equipped with relief valves on thecooler and condenser shells. Refer to Fig. 43 and Table 11 forsize and location of relief devices. Vent relief devices to theoutdoors in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE 15 (latestedition) Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration and allother applicable codes.1. Dual pressure relief valves are mounted on the three-wayvalves in some locations to allow testing and repair with-out transferring the refrigerant charge. Three-way valveshafts should be turned either fully clockwise or fullycounterclockwise so only one relief valve is exposed torefrigerant pressure at a time.The flow area of discharge piping routed from more thanone relief valve, or more than one heat exchanger, mustbe greater than the sum of the outlet areas of all reliefvalves that are expected to discharge simultaneously. Allrelief valves within a machinery room that are exposed torefrigerant may discharge simultaneously in the event of afire. Discharge piping should lead to the point of finalrelease as directly as possible with consideration of pres-sure drop in all sections downstream of the relief valves.2. Provide a pipe plug near outlet side of each relief devicefor leak testing. Provide pipe fittings that allow ventpiping to be disconnected periodically for inspection ofvalve mechanism.3. Piping to relief devices must not apply stress to thedevice. Adequately support piping. A length of flexibletubing or piping near the relief device is essential onspring-isolated machines.4. Cover the outdoor vent with a rain cap and place acondensation drain at the low point in the vent piping toprevent water build-up on the atmospheric side of therelief device.Make Electrical Connections — Field wiring mustbe installed in accordance with job wiring diagrams and allapplicable electrical codes. Refer to Fig. 44 and 45 for typicalwiring and component layout.Refrigerant discharged into confined spaces can displaceoxygen and cause asphyxiation.Only qualified electrical personnel familiar with the con-struction and operation of this equipment and the hazardsinvolved should install, adjust, operate, or service thisequipment. Read and understand this manual and otherapplicable manuals in their entirety before proceeding.Failure to observe this precaution could result in severebodily injury or loss of life.COMPRESSOROILSEPARATORCONDENSERLEAVINGWATERENTERINGWATERVALVE5VALVE4VALVE2CONTROLPANELFRAMEASSEMBLYOILHEATERVALVE3OIL FILLFITTINGFig. 42 — Pumpout Unita23-1546WITH ISOLATION VALVESWITHOUT ISOLATION VALVESFig. 43 — Relief Valve Arrangementsa23-1583