UNIT CONTROL BOX!I I.....III I Ii 1 2 3 IIEk I 2'r ::1 _ _ L _-----7- - -_J5 ....................................I®@olOVERRIDE J6TB4111213141516171IITB511121 IiI 16171iE E _E I_4 1 iJFig. 33 -- CO 2 and Space Temperature Sensor Wiring (33ZCT55CO2 and 33ZCT56CO2)Green LED -- The boards also have a green LED, which isthe indicator of the operation of the LEN colrnnunications,which is used for colmnunications between the boards. On theMBB board the Local Equipment Network (LEN) LED shouldalways be blinking whenever power is on. All other boardshave a LEN LED that will blink whenever power is on andthere is colmnunication occumng. IfLEN LED is not blinking,check LEN connections for potential colrnnunication errors (J3and J4 connectors). A 3-wire sensor bus accomplishes colrnnu-nication between modules. These 3 wires run in parallel frommodule to module.Yellow LED -- The MBB has one yellow LED. The CarrierComfort Network R_(CCN) LED will blink during times ofnetwork colrnnunication. The other boards do not have a CCNcolrnnunications port.CARRIER COMFORT NETWORK INTERFACE -- The48/50A Series units can be connected to the CCN interface ifdesired. The colrnnunication bus wiring is a shielded, 3-conduc-tor cable with drain wire and is field supplied and installed. Seethe Installation Instructions for wiring information. The systemelements are connected to the colmnunication bus in a daisychain arrangement. The positive pin of each system elementcolmnunication connector must be wired to the positive pins ofthe system elements on either side of it. This is also required forthe negative and signal ground pins of each system element.Wiring connections for CCN should be made at TB3. SeeFig. 35. Consult the CCN Contractor's Manual for furtherinformation.NOTE: Conductors and drain wire must be 20-AWG(American Wire Gage) minimum stranded, tinned copper.Individual conductors must be insulated with PVC, PVC/nylon, vinyl, Teflon, or polyethylene. An aluminum/polyester100% foil shield and an outer jacket of PVC, PVC/nylon,chrome vinyl, or Teflon with a minimum operating tempera-rare range of-20 C to 60 C is required.It is important when connecting to a CCN colmnunicationbus that a color-coding scheme be used for the entire networkto simplify the installation. It is recolrnnended that red be usedfor the signal positive, black for the signal negative and whitefor the signal ground. Use a similar scheme for cables contain-ing different colored wires.At each system element, the shields of its colrnnunicationbus cables must be tied together. If the colrnnunication bus is en-tirely within one building, the resulting continuous shield mustbe connected to a ground at one point only. If the colrnnunica-tion bus cable exits from one building and enters another, theshields must be connected to grounds at the lightning suppressorin each building where the cable enters or exits the building (onepoint per building only). To connect the unit to the network:Fig. 34 -- Accessory Navigator Display126