ITEMCCNCCNACCNBBAUDBRODTM.DTOAT.BORH.BOAQ.BG.S.BB.ACKSC.OVSCH.NHOL. TO.T.L.OVEXSPT.OT58.0GL.OVTable 86 -- CCN ConfigurationEXPANSIONCCN CONFIGURATIONCCN AddressCCN Bus NumberCCN Baud RateCCN BROADCST DEFINITIONSCCN Time/Date BroadcastCCN OAT BroadcastCCN OARH BroadcastCCN OAQ BroadcastGlobal Schedule BroadcstCCN Broadcast Ack'erCCN SCHEDULES-OVERRIDESSchedule NumberAccept Global Holidays?Override Time LimitTimed Override HoursSPT Override Enabled ?T58 Override Enabled ?Global Sched. Override ?I RANGEI UNITS I DEFAULT03- 239- 239-5ON/OFFON/OFFON/OFFON/OFFON/OFFON/OFF0 - 99I YES/NO0-40-4YES/NOYES/NOYES/NOHRSHRSI POINTI CCNADDCCNBUSCCNBAUDDCCNBCOATBCOARHBCOAQBCGSBCCCNBCACKSCHEDNUMHOLIDAYTOTLOVR_EXTSPT OVERT58_OVERGLBLOVEROnOffOffOffOffOff1No10YesYesNoAccept Global Holidays? (HOL. T) -- If a device is broad-casting the time on the bus, it is possible to accept the time yetnot accept the global holiday from the broadcast message.Override Time Limit (O. T.L) -- This configuration allowsthe user to decide how long an override occurs when it is initi-ated. The override may be configured from 1 to 4 hours. If thetime is set to 0, the override function will become disabled.Timed Override Hours (OV..EX) -- This displays the currentnumber of hours left in an override. It is possible to cancel anoverride in progress by writing "0" to this variable, therebyremoving the override trine left.StYF Override Enabled? (SPT.O) -- If a space sensor ispresent, then it is possible to override an unoccupied period bypushing the override button on the T55 or T56 sensor. Thisoption allows the user to disable this function by setting thisconfiguration to NO.T58 Override Enabled? (158.0) -- The T58 sensor is a CCNdevice that allows cooling/heating set points to be adjusted,space temperature to be written to the rooftop unit, and the abil-ity to initiate a timed override. This option allows the user todisable the override initiated from the T58 sensor by settingthis option to NO.Global Schedule Override? (GL.OV) -- If the control is setto receive global schedules then it is also possible for the globalschedule broadcaster to call out an override condition as well.This configuration allows the user to disable the global sched-ule broadcaster from overriding the control.Alert Limit Configuration E The ALLM submenu isused to configure the alert limit set points. A list is shown inTable 87.StYF Low Alert Limit/Occ (SRL.O) -- If the space tempera-ture is below the configurable occupied StYF Low Alert Limit(SRL.O), then Alert 300 will be generated and the unit will bestopped. The alert will automatically reset.StYF High Alert Limit/Occ (SRH.O) -- If the space tempera-ture is above the configurable occupied StYF High Alert Limit(SRH.O), then Alert 301 will be generated and the unit will bestopped. The alert will automatically reset.StYF Low Alert Limit/Unocc (SRL. U) -- If the space tem-perature is below the configurable unoccupied SPT Low AlertLrinit (SRL. U), then Alert 300 will be generated and the unitwill be stopped. The alert will automatically reset.StYF High Alert Limit/Unocc (SRH. U) -- If the space tem-perature is above the configurable unoccupied StYF High AlertLrinit (SRH. U), then Alert 301 will be generated and the unitwill be stopped. The alert will automatically reset.EDT Low Alert Limit/Occ (SA.L.O) --If the space tempera-ture is below the configurable occupied evaporator dischargetemperature (EDT) Low Alert Limit (SA.L.O), then Alert 302will be generated and cooling operation will be stopped butheating operation will continue. The alert will automaticallyreset.EDT High Alert Limit/Occ (SA.H.O) -- If the space temper-ature is above the configurable occupied EDT High Alert Limit(SA.H.O), then Alert 303 will be generated and heating opera-tion will be stopped but cooling operation will continue. Thealert will automatically reset.EDT Low Alert Limit/Unocc (SA.L. U) -- If the space tem-perature is below the configurable unoccupied EDT Low AlertLrinit (SA.L. U), then Alert 302 will be generated and coolingoperation will be stopped but heating operation will continue.The alert will automatically reset.EDT High Alert Limit/Unocc (SA.H. U) -- If the space tem-perature is above the configurable unoccupied EDT High AlertLimit (SA.H. U), then Alert 303 will be generated and heatingoperation will be stopped but cooling operation will continue.The alert will automatically reset.RAT Low Alert Limit/Occ (RA.L.O) -- If the return-air tem-perature is below the configurable occupied RAT Low AlertLrinit (RA.L.O), then Alert 304 will be generated and internalroutines will be modified. Unit operation will continue butVAV heating operation will be disabled. The alert will automat-ically reset.RAT High Alert Limit/Occ (RA.H.O) -- If the return-airtemperature is above the configurable occupied RAT HighAlert Limit (RA.H.O), then Alert 305 will be generated andoperation will continue. The alert will automatically reset.RAT Low Alert Limit/Unocc (RA.L. U) -- If the return-airtemperature is below the configurable unoccupied RAT LowAlert Lrinit (RA.L. U), then Alert 304 will be generated. Unitoperation will continue but VAV heating operation will be dis-abled. The alert will automatically reset.RAT High Alert Limit/Unocc (RA.H. U) -- If the return-airtemperature is above the configurable unoccupied RAT HighAlert Limit (RA.H. 12), then Alert 305 will be generated. Oper-ation will continue. The alert will automatically reset.RARH Low Alert Limit (R.RH.L) -- If the unit is config-ured to use a return air relative humidity sensor ((bnfigura-tion--+UNIT--+SENS--+RRI-I..S), and the measured level isbelow the configurable RH Low Alert Lrinit (R.RH.L), thenAlert 308 will occur. The unit will continue to run and the alertwill automatically reset.RARH High Alert Limit (R.RH.H) -- If the unit is config-ured to use a return air relative humidity sensor ((bnfigura-tion--+UNIT--+SENS--+RRHS), and the measured level isabove the configurable RARH High Alert Limit (R.R!-LH),72