com.pressorisbroughtonand5secondsafterwards.Therateofsuctionpressurechangefrom5secondsbeforethecompressorisbroughtontowhenthecompressorisbroughtoniscalculat-ed.Thentherateof suctionpressurechangefromwhenthecompressorisbroughtonto5 secondsafterwardsiscalculated.Withtheaboveinformation,thetestforreverserotationismade.If thesuctionpressurechange5secondsaftercompres-sionisgreaterthanthesuctionpressurechange5 secondsbe-forecompression- 1.25,thenthereisareverserotationerror.Thisalarmwill disablemechanicalcoolingandwillrequireamanualreset.ThisalarmmaybedisabledoncethereverserotationcheckhasbeenverifiedbysettingConfiguration--+COOL---_REV.R=Yes.A150 (Unit is in Emergency Stop) -- If the fire safety inputcondition occurs to indicate a fire or smoke condition, thenAlarm code 150 will occur and the unit will be ilrnnediatelystopped. Through separate inputs the unit can be put into purge,evacuation, and pressurization. This requires a manual reset.If the CCN point name "EMSTOP" in the System table isset to emergency stop, the unit will shut down immediately andbroadcast an alarm back to the CCN indicating that the unit isdown. This alarm will clear when the variable is set back to"enable."T153 (Real Time Clock Hardware Failure) -- A problem hasbeen detected with the real timeclock on the MBB. Try reset-ting the power and check the indicator lights. If the alert contin-ues, the board should be replaced.A154 (Serial EEPROM Hardware Failure) -- A problem hasbeen detected with the EEPROM on the MBB. Try resettingthe power and check the indicator lights. If the alarm continues,the board should be replaced.T155 (Serial EEPROM Storage Failure Error) -- A problemhas been detected with the EEPROM storage on the MBB. Tryresetting the power and check the indicator lights. If the alertcontinues, the board should be replaced.A156 (Critical Serial EEPROM Storage Failure Error) -- Aproblem has been detected with the EEPROM storage on theMBB. Try resetting the power and check the indicator lights. Ifthe alarm continues, the board should be replaced.A157 (A!D Hardware Failure) -- A problem has been detectedwith A/D conversion on the boards. Try resetting the powerand check the indicator lights. If the alarm continues, the boardshould be replaced.A171 (Staged Gas Control Board Comm Failure) -- Thisalarm indicates that there are communications problems withthe staged gas heat control board, which is located in the gassection on units equipped with staged gas heat. If this alarmoccurs, the staged gas heat will be disabled. The alarm willautomatically reset.A172 (Controls Expansion Module Comm Failure) -- Thisalarm indicates that there are communications problems withthe controls expansion board. All functions performed by theCEM will stop, which can include demand limit, reset, firecontrol modes, and the fan stares switch. The alarm will auto-matically reset.A173 (ECB1 Board Communication Failure) -- This alarmindicates that there are colrnnunications problems with theeconomizer control board. This will result in the economizerand the power exhaust not working and the dampers to be fullyclosed. The exhaust fans will stop. The alarm will automati-cally reset.A174 (ECB2 Board Communication Failure) -- This alarmindicates that there are colrnnunications problems with theECB2 which controls the VAV unit indoor fan inverter speedand hot gas bypass on CV and VAV units. Because the controlof the fan is critical to unit operation, the unit will be stopped.The alarm will automatically reset.T177 (4-20 mA Demand Limit Failure) -- This alert indi-cates a problem with the optional remote 4 to 20 mA demandlimit signal (Inputs_4-20--cDLM.M) that is connected to theCEM module (if the signal reads less than 2 mA). If thisoccurs, then demand limiting will be disabled. The unit mustbe configured for 4 to 20 mA Demand Limiting using theDemand Limit Select (Configuration--cDMD.L -¢DM.L.S).T178 (4-20 mA Static Pressure Reset/VFD Failure) -- If thistransducer fails (if the signal reads less than 2 mA on the inputof the CEM module), and the unit is configured to performstatic pressure reset or remote control of the supply fan VFDwith this transducer, no static pressure reset or VFD controlwill be performed and an alert will be generated. Recovery isautomatic. Reason for error is either a faulty sensor, wiringerror, or damaged input on the CEM control board.A200 (Linkage Timeout Error-- Comm Failure) -- If link-age is established via the CCN with ComfortlD TM terminals, a5-minute tflneout on loss of conununication will be monitored.If 5 minutes expires since the last colrnnunication from a VAVLinkage Master, the unit will remove the link and flag the alert.When the rooftop looses its link, the temperature and set pointsare derived locally. Recovery is automatic on re-establisiunentof colrnnunications. Reason for failure may be wiring error, toomuch bus activity, or damaged 485 drivers.T210 (Building Pressure Transducer Failure) -- The buildingpressure transducer (Pressures-+AIR.P-+BP) fails if thesignal from the 4 to 20 mA building pressure transducer (usedto control the power exhaust fans and the building pressure) isbelow 2 mA. If the alert occurs, then the economizer will beclosed and the power exhaust fans mined off. This alert willautomatically reset. Check the building pressure transducer andsensor robing. The sensor is located in the auxiliary controlbox. The alert will automatically reset.T211 (Static Pressure Transducer Failure) -- The static pres-sure transducer (Pressures-+AIR.P-+SP) fails if the signalfrom the 4 to 20 mA static pressure transducer (used to controlthe VFD speed) is below 2 mA. This failure will cause the unitto stop due to the potential damage that could occur due toover-pressurization. Check the pressure transducer and sensorrobing. The sensor is located in the auxiliary control box. Thealert will automatically reset.T220 (Indoor Air Quality Sensor Failure) -- The indoor airquality sensor (Inputs---_AIR.Q---_IAQ) fails if the signal fromthe 4 to 20 mA sensor is below 2 mA. If the indoor air qualitysensor fails, demand control ventilation is not possible. Thecontrol defaults to the maximum vent position. Recovery is au-tomatic. Reason for error is either a faulty sensor, wiring error,or damaged input on the MBB control board.T221 (Outdoor Air Quality Sensor Failure) -- The indoor airquality sensor (Inputs---_AIR.Q_OAQ) fails if the signal fromthe 4 to 20 mA sensor is below 2 mA. If the outdoor air qualitysensor fails, OAQ defaults to 400 ppm and demand controlventilation will continue. Recovery is automatic. Reason forerror is either a faulty sensor, wiring error, or damaged input onthe CEM control board.T229 (Economizer Minimum Position Ovemde Input Fail-ure) -- If the unit is configured to use the remote positionoverride for the economizer and the input Econo Min. Pos.Ovemde (Configuration--+IAQ--+AQ.SP--+IQ.O.P) input 4 to20 mA reading is less than 2 mA then an alert will occur andthe default software minhnum position will be used for theeconomizer. The alert will automatically reset.T300 (Space Temperature Below Limit) -- If the space tem-perature is below the configurable SPT Low AlertLimits (occupied [Cbnfiguration---)ALLM--+SRL.O] for5 minutes or unoccupied [Configuration--+ALLM--+SRL. U]for 10 minutes), then an alert will be broadcast. The alert willautomatically reset.98