IQ.LC = 2 (IAQ Discrete Override) -- If the user sets IQ.LCto 2 (IAQ Discrete Override), and Configuration-+SW..LG-+IAQ.L is set to OPEN, then an open switch reads low and aclosed switch reads high.If the switch reads low, no action will be taken. If the switchreads high, the economizer will ilrnnediately be colmnanded tothe IAQ Economizer Override Position. This can be set from 0to 100% and can be found at (bnfiguration--+IAQ---)AQ.SP--+iQ.O.PFAN CONTROL FOR THE IAQ DISCRETE INPUT --Under Configuration--clAQ--)AQ.CF the IQ.LF (IAQ Dis-crete Input Fan Configuration) must also be set. There arethree configurations for IQ.LF Select the configuration whichwill be used for fan operation. This configuration allows theuser to decide (if the supply fan is not already running),whether the IAQ discrete switch will start the fan, and in whichstate of occupancy the fan will start.IQ.LF = 0 Minflnum Position Override Switch inputwill not start fanIQ.LF = 1 Minflnum Position Override Switch inputwill start fan in occupied mode onlyIQ.LF = 2 Minflnum Position Override Switch inputwill start fan in both occupied and unoccu-pied modesIAQ ANALOG INPUT CONFIGURATION -- This input isan analog input located on the mare base board (MBB). Thereare 4 different functions for this input. The location of this con-figuration is at Configuration--clAQ-+AQ. CF-clQ.A. CThe functions possible for IQ.A. C are:• 0 = no IAQ analog input• 1 = IAQ analog input• 2 = IAQ analog input used to override to a set position• 3 = 4 to 20 mA 0 to 100% economizer minimum positioncontrol• 4 = 0 to 10 kilo-ohms 0 to 100% economizer minimumposition controlOptions 2, 3, and 4 are dedicated for third party control.IQ.A. C = 2 (IAQ Analog Input Used to Override) -- UnderConfiguration--clAQ--cAQ.SP, set IQ.O.P (IAQ EconomizerOverride Position). The IQ.O.P configuration is adjustablefrom 0 to 100%. These configurations are also used in conjunc-tion with (bnfiguration --€IAQ--cA Q.CF--clQ.A. F (IAQ 4 to20 mA Fan Configuration). There are three configurations forIQ.A.F and they follow the same logic as for the discrete input.This configuration allows the user to decide (if the supply fan isnot already running), if the IAQ Analog Minimum PositionOverride input will start the fan, and in which state of occupan-cy the fan will start.IQ.A.F = 0 IAQ analog sensor input cannot start thesupply fanIQ.A.F = 1 IAQ analog sensor input can start the supplyfan in occupied mode onlyIQ.A.F = 2 IAQ analog sensor input can start the supplyfan in both occupied and unoccupied modesIf IQ.A.F is configured to request the supply fan, thenconfigurations D.EON and D.EOF need to be set. Theseconfiguration settings are located under Confignration---_IAQ--)AQ.SP and configure the fan override operation basedon the differential air quality (DAQ). If DAQ rises aboveD.EON, the control will request the fan on until DAQ falls be-low D.EOFNOTE: IfD.EON is configured below DAQ.H, the unit is inoccupied mode, and the fan was off, then DAQ rose aboveD.EON and the fan came on, the economizer will go to theeconomizer minhnum position (EC.MN).The 4 to 20 mA signal from the sensor wired to TB5-6 and7 is scaled to an equivalent indoor CO 2 (IAQ) by the parame-ters IQ.R.L and IQ.R,H located under the (bnfiguration-+IAQ-+AQ.S.R menu. The parameters are defined such that4 mA = IQ.R,L and 20 mA = IQ.R.H. When the differential airquality DAQ (IAQ - OAQ. U) exceeds the DAQ.H set point((bnfiguration---_IAQ---_AQ.SP menu) and the supply fan ison, the economizer lnmimum vent position ((bnfiguration--¢IAQ-+DCV.C--cECMN) is overridden and the dmnper ismoved to the IQ.RO configuration. When the DAQ falls belowthe DAQ.L set point ((bnfiguration--+IAQ -+AQ.SP menu),the economizer damper is moved back to the lninimum ventposition (E(:MN).NOTE: Configuration OAQ. U is used in the calculation of thetrip point for ovemde and can be found under (bnfigura-tion--c lAQ--cAQ.SP.IQ.A. C = 3 (4 to 20 mA Damper Control) -- This configura-tion will provide full 4 to 20 mA remotely controlled analog in-put for economizer minimum dmnper position. The 4 to 20 mAsignal is connected to terminals TB5-6 and 7. The input isprocessed as 4 mA = 0% and 20 mA = 100%, thereby givingcomplete range control of the effective minimum position.The economizer sequences can be disabled by setting Con-fignration-+ECON-+E.SEL to 0. Complete control of theeconomizer damper position is then possible by using a 4 to20 mA economizer minimum position control or a 0 to10 kilo-otnn 0 to 100% economizer minimum position controlvia configuration decisions at Configuration--+IAQ--+AQ. CF-+IQ.A. CIQ.A. C = 4 (10 Kilo-ohm Potentiometer Damper Control)-- This configuration will provide input for a 10 kilo-otnn lin-ear potentiometer that acts as a remotely controlled analog m-put for economizer minimum damper position. The input isprocessed as 0 otnns = 0% and 10,000 otnns = 100%, therebygiving complete range control of the effective minimumposition.CONTROLS OPERATIONModes E The (_olIlfoplgink TM controls operate under ahierarchy of COlrnnand structure as defined by three essentialelements: the System mode, the HVAC mode and the Controlmode. The System mode is the top level mode that defines threeessential states for the control system: OFF, RUN and TEST.The HVAC mode is the functional level underneath theSystem mode which further defines the operation of thecontrol. The mode selection process is shown in Appendix D.The Control mode is essentially the control type of the unit((bnfigurafion--cUNIT--cCTYP). This defines from wherethe control looks to establish a cooling or heating mode andwhether 2 stages or multiple stages of cooling capacity opera-tion are controlled.Furthermore, there are a number of modes which operateconcurrently when the unit is running. The operating modes ofthe control are located at the local displays under OperatingModes. See Table 42.Currently Occupied (OC() -- This variable displays the cur-rent occupied state of the unit.Timed Override in Effect (T.OVR) -- This variable displaysif the state of occupancy is currently occupied due to anoverride.DCV Resetting Minimum Position (DCV) -- This variabledisplays if the economizer position has been lowered from itsmaxhnum vent position.32