22Fig. 34 — Typical Low-Voltage ControlConnectionsFig. 35 — Field Control Wiring RacewayHEAT ANTICIPATOR SETTINGS — Set heat anticipatorsettings at 0.14 amp for the first stage and 0.14 amp for second-stage heating, when available.Humidi-MiZer ® System Control ConnectionsHUMIDI-MIZER — SPACE RH CONTROLLERNOTE: The Humidi-MiZer system is a factory-installed optionwhich is only available for units equipped with belt-drivemotors.The Humidi-MiZer dehumidification system requires afield-supplied and installed space relative humidity control de-vice. This device may be a separate humidistat control (contactcloses on rise in space RH above control setpoint) or a combi-nation thermostat-humidistat control device such as Carrier’sEdge Pro Thermidistat with isolated contact set for dehumidifi-cation control. The humidistat is normally used in applicationswhere a temperature control is already provided (units withPremierLink™ control).To connect the Carrier humidistat (HL38MG029):1. Route the humidistat 2-conductor cable (field-supplied)through the hole provided in the unit corner post.2. Feed wires through the raceway built into the corner post(see Fig. 35) to the 24-v barrier located on the left side ofthe control box. The raceway provides the UL-requiredclearance between high-voltage and low-voltage wiring.3. Use wire nuts to connect humidistat cable to the leads inthe low-voltage wiring (as shown in Fig. 38), connectingPNK to PNK and PNK/BLK to PNK/BLK.To connect the Thermidistat device (33CS2PPRH-01):1. Route the Thermidistat multi-conductor thermostat cable(field-supplied) through the hole provided in the unit cor-ner post.2. Feed wires through the raceway built into the corner post(see Fig. 35) to the 24-v barrier located on the left side ofthe control box. The raceway provides the UL-requiredclearance between high-voltage and low-voltage wiring.3. The Thermidistat has dry contacts at terminals D1 and D2for dehumidification operation (see Fig. 39). The dry con-tacts must be wired between CTB terminal R and thePNK/BLK lead to the LTLO switch with field-suppliedwire nuts. Refer to the installation instructions includedwith the Carrier Edge® Pro Thermidistat device for moreinformation.Fig. 36 — Accessory Field-Installed HumidistatFig. 37 — Edge ® Pro ThermidistatTypicalThermostatConnectionsCentralTerminalBoardW1Y2Y1RW2GCXW1Y2Y1RW2GCXT–STATCW2GW1O/B/Y2RY1(see Note)Note : Typical multi-function marking. Follow manufacturer’s configurationinstructions to select Y2.Field WiringRACEWAYHOLE IN END PANEL (HIDDEN)% RELATIVE HUMIDITY®