9Locate mechanical draft system flue assembly at least 4 ft(1.2 m) from any opening through which combustion productscould enter the building, and at least 4 ft (1.2 m) from any adja-cent building (or per local code). Locate the flue assembly atleast 10 ft (3.05 m) from an adjacent unit’s fresh air intake hoodif within 3 ft (0.91 m) of same elevation (or per local code).When unit is located adjacent to public walkways, flue assem-bly must be at least 7 ft (2.1 m) above grade.Select a unit mounting system that provides adequate heightto allow installation of condensate trap per requirements. Referto Step 10 — Install External Condensate Trap and Line for re-quired trap dimensions.ROOF MOUNT — Check building codes for weight distri-bution requirements. Unit operating weight is shown in Table2.Step 2 — Plan for Sequence of Unit Installa-tion — The support method used for this unit will dictate dif-ferent sequences for the steps of unit installation. For example,on curb-mounted units, some accessories must be installed onthe unit before the unit is placed on the curb. Review the fol-lowing for recommended sequences for installation steps.CURB-MOUNTED INSTALLATIONInstall curbInstall field-fabricated ductwork inside curbInstall accessory thru-base service connection package (af-fects curb and unit) (refer to accessory installation instructionsfor details)Prepare bottom condensate drain connection to suit plannedcondensate line routing (refer to Step 10 for details)Rig and place unitInstall outdoor air hoodInstall flue hoodInstall gas pipingInstall condensate line trap and pipingMake electrical connectionsInstall other accessoriesPAD-MOUNTED INSTALLATIONPrepare pad and unit supportsCheck and tighten the bottom condensate drain connectionplugRig and place unitConvert unit to side duct connection arrangementInstall field-fabricated ductwork at unit duct openingsInstall outdoor air hoodInstall flue hoodInstall gas pipingInstall condensate line trap and pipingMake electrical connectionsInstall other accessoriesFRAME-MOUNTED INSTALLATION — Frame-mount-ed applications generally follow the sequence for a curb instal-lation. Adapt as required to suit specific installation plan.Step 3 — Inspect Unit — Inspect unit for transporta-tion damage. File any claim with transportation agency.Confirm before installation of unit that voltage, amperageand circuit protection requirements listed on unit data plateagree with power supply provided.On units with hinged panel option, check to be sure alllatches are snug and in closed position.Locate the carton containing the outside air hood parts; seeFig. 10. Do not remove carton until unit has been rigged and lo-cated in final position.Step 4 — Provide Unit SupportROOF CURB MOUNT — Accessory roof curb details anddimensions are shown in Fig. 5. Assemble and install accesso-ry roof curb in accordance with instructions shipped with thecurb.NOTE: The gasketing of the unit to the roof curb is critical fora watertight seal. Install gasket supplied with the roof curb asshown in Fig. 5. Improperly applied gasket can also result inair leaks and poor unit performance.Curb should be level. This is necessary for unit drain tofunction properly. Unit leveling tolerances are show in Fig. 6.Refer to Accessory Roof Curb Installation Instructions for ad-ditional information as required.Table 2 — Operating Weights48HC** UNITS LB (KG)07 08 09 11/12Base Unit 765 (347) 925 (419.5) 925 (419.5) 1090 (495)EconomizerVertical 75 (34) 75 (34) 75 (34) 75 (34)Horizontal 122 (55) 122 (55) 122 (55) 122 (55)Powered Outlet 35 (16) 35 (16) 35 (16) 35 (16)Humidi-MiZer System 80 (36) 80 (36) 80 (36) 85 (39)Curb14-in./356 mm 143 (65) 143 (65) 143 (65) 143 (65)24-in./610 mm 245 (111) 245 (111) 245 (111) 245 (111)