Notes on transfer of ownership of this productTransferring ownership (selling) this product should be done in compliance withitem 1 below.Accepting ownership (buying) this product should be done in compliance withitem 2 below.When transferring ownership of this device to a third party, hand over every-thing that was included with it (including CD-ROMs, manuals, END-USERLICENSE AGREEMENT, and any backup copies) and completely dispose ofall copies of any related software in your possession.To accept ownership of this device, you must accept the END-USER LICENSEAGREEMENT for the software. Accepting ownership of this device is consid-ered acceptance of the END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT.DisposalWhen disposing of or transferring ownership of this device, erase all importantdata and applications in its memory by doing a full reset.If you do not erase all the data before disposing of or transferring ownership ofthe device, then someone may recover and use any valuable data in unintendedand malicious ways.Battery disposalWhen it comes time to dispose of your Rugged PDA, do so inaccordance with local regulations in your area. Contact yourlocal government authorities for details about proper disposalmethods.Battery disposalThe product that you have purchased contains a rechargeable battery.The battery is recyclable. Affix tape to the battery contacts beforedisposing of the battery. At the end of its useful life, under various state andlocal laws, it may be illegal to dispose of this cal laws, it may be illegalto dispose of this battery into the municipal waste stream.Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacture's instructions.