Various Screen AdjustmentsDo the following adjustments, if after initial setup the screen is difficultto see or to do operations on.Adjusting screen brightnessYou can adjust the screen brightness with the Action button and theCursor button to make the screen easier to see when operating theRugged PDA in dark locations. Pressing the Action button and the Upbutton together makes the screen brighter, in the same way, pushingthe Down button makes the screen darker.Adjusting the screenYou can adjust the screen if it is not responsive or if the position youtap it and the operation you want to do do not match.Press the power button and the Action button at the same time todisplay the screen for adjusting the screen.NoteFor more detailed information on adjusting the screen bright-ness and other Rugged PDA settings see the "User's Guide."Screen orientationYou can change the screen to one of three orientations vertical, hori-zontal (right-handed), horizontal (left-handed) for easier operation.To do the changes, tap the Settings System tabs and fol-low the on screen instructions.Use the stylus to tap the cen-ter of the target (+ sign).The target moves each timeyou tap it, the adjustmentends after you tap it five times.