EnglishUsing Built-in Songs to Master Keyboard PlayE-31Though song playback stands by waiting for you to press thecorrect keys as in Lesson 2, the Digital Piano does notprovide any guidance about what note you need to play next.Remember everything you have learned up to Lesson 2 asyou play.1. Press co.This starts Lesson 3.2. Play the song along with the song playback.3. To stop Lesson 3, press co or bo.• If you complete Lesson 3 play to the end, a score thatrates your play appears on the screen the same as withLesson 2.After you successfully complete all of the phrases in Lessons1, 2, and 3, it is time to try playing the entire song frombeginning to end.1. Use bp to turn off both hand parts and thenpress bo.Try playing with both hands and find out how the DigitalPiano evaluates your effort.You can turn off phrase repeat for Lessons 1, 2, and 3.1. Press bk.This disables phrase repeat play.Use the following procedure to turn off voice fingering guide,which tells you which finger to use to play each note inLesson 2 and Lesson 3.1. Press 7 and then use the cl (10-key) [4] (u)and [6] (i) keys to display “LESSON” (pageE-6).2. Press cl (10-key) [7] (ENTER) key.3. Press the cl (10-key) [–] key to select the OFFsetting.Lesson 3: Remember what you learned asyou play.Press the keyboard keys you learned in Lesson 2.4Song playback will wait for you to play the correct note.• Note guide sounds the correct note to be played.4If you are still unable to press the correct keyboardkey, the Digital Piano will display keyboard guidanceand voice fingering guide will tell you what finger touse, just as in Lesson 2.4Pressing the correct key will cause song playback toresume.LightsLightsPlaying a Particular Song All the WayThroughLesson SettingsPlaying without Phrase RepeatTurning Off Voice Fingering GuideDisappearsL E S S O NFlashesS p e a kIndicator disappearswhen voice fingeringguide is turned off.CDP200R_e.book 31 ページ 2008年4月21日 月曜日 午後3時4分