E-38 indicates receive-only messagesEffect Control NumberBANK SELECT* 1 0, 32 Modulation 1 Volume 7 Pan 10 Expression 11Hold1 64RPN* 2 100 / 101Data Entry 6 / 38PROGRAM CHANGEThis is the tone selection message. PROGRAM CHANGE cancontain tone data within the range of 0 to 127.A PROGRAM CHANGE message is sent out through thiskeyboard’s USB port whenever you manually change its tonenumber. Receipt of a PROGRAM CHANGE message froman external machine changes the tone setting of this keyboard.PITCH BENDThis message carries pitch bend information for smoothlysliding the pitch upwards or downwards during keyboardplay. This keyboard does not send pitch bend data, but it canreceive such data.CONTROL CHANGEThis message adds effects such as vibrato and volume changesapplied during keyboard play. CONTROL CHANGE dataincludes a control number (to identify the effect type) and acontrol value (to specify the on/off status and depth of theeffect).The following is a list of data that can be send or receivedusing CONTROL CHANGE.Connection to a ComputerMessagesThe MIDI messages explained here can be sent and receivedwhen the keyboard is connected to a computer by USBconnection. Note, however, that you need to install the USBdriver from the CD-ROM that comes with the keyboard onyour computer to send and receive these MIDI messages.There is a wide variety of messages defined under the MIDIstandard, and this section details the particular messages thatcan be sent and received by this keyboard. An asterisk is usedto mark messages that affect the entire keyboard. Messageswithout an asterisk are those that affect only a particularchannel.NOTE ON/OFFThis message sends data when a key is pressed (NOTE ON)or released (NOTE OFF).A NOTE ON/OFF message include a note number (to indicatenote whose key is being pressed or released) and velocity(keyboard pressure as a value from 1 to 127). NOTE ONvelocity is always used to determine the relative volume ofthe note. This keyboard does not receive NOTE OFF velocitydata.Whenever you press or release a key on this keyboard, thecorresponding NOTE ON or NOTE OFF message is sent fromthe USB port.Keyboard USB port NOTE ONKeyboard USB port• Note number (tone)• Velocity (volume)NOTE OFF• Note number (tone)• Velocity (volume)Release the keyPress the keyNOTE• The pitch of a note depends on the tone that is beingused, as shown in the Note Table on page A-1. Wheneverthis keyboard receives a note number that is outside itsrange for that tone, the same tone in the nearestavailable octave is substituted.653A-E-040ALK70S_e_32-44.p65 04.8.18, 11:04 AM38