E-42 653A-E-044BUsing a SmartMedia CardReading a SmartMedia cardNOTE• SMF data is converted to a format that can be played bythis keyboard, and then stored in keyboard memory.Whether or not the data can fit in keyboard memorydepends on the size of the converted data.1 Press the CARD button.2 Use the number buttons to input the two-digitnumber that corresponds to the SMF data you wantto select.• Use the [+] and [–] buttons to input a data numberthat has more than two digits.3 Perform one of the following operations.IMPORTANT!All of the following points apply whenever you performany one of the operations described below.• If there is no data currently stored in User Song areas60 through 64, the applicable SMF data will be loadedautomatically into User Song area 60 of the keyboard’sSONG BANK. After that, the keyboard will enter the SongBank mode automatically, select area 60, and startplayback.• If there is data already stored in User Areas 60 through64, a confirmation message will appear asking if youwant to replace all of the existing data. The existing datamust be deleted in order to load the SMF data.• To delete the data, press the [+] button. This will deletethe data, automatically enter the Song Bank Mode, andstart playback of the data.• To cancel the delete operation, press the [–] button. To play back SMF data3-1 Press the START/STOP button.• If an error message appears, see “SmartMedia CardError Messages” on page E-43 for informationabout what you need to do. To sing along with SMF data3-1 Press the PLAY/STOP button.• If an error message appears, see “SmartMedia CardError Messages” on page E-43 for informationabout what you need to do.• Playback volume is lower for SMF data part that isassigned to Channel 4. To use SMF data in a 3-Step Lesson3-1 Press the STEP 1, STEP 2, or STEP 3 button.• If an error message appears, see “SmartMedia CardError Messages” on page E-43 for informationabout what you need to do.• The channel specified as the navigate channel isassigned to the right-hand part, while the channelthat is one less than the channel specified as thenavigate channel is assigned to the left-hand part.• Voice Fingering Guide and on-screen fingeringindicators are not supported for SMF data. To evaluate your play using SMF Data3-1 Press the SCORING button.• If an error message appears, see “SmartMedia CardError Messages” on page E-43 for informationabout what you need to do.• The channel specified as the navigate channel isassigned to the right-hand part, while the channelthat is one less than the channel specified as thenavigate channel is assigned to the left-hand part.• On-screen fingering indicators are not supportedfor SMF data.4 Press the START/STOP button to stop SMF data play.LK70S_e_32-44.p65 04.8.18, 11:04 AM42