E-78Advanced programmings and registrationsSet code 29 (Euro 2)Description Selection Program code Default valueADD mode of sub currency:0. = 0, 0.0 = 1, 0.00 = 2, 0.000 = 3 0 to 3 BD10™D10Apply rounding for sub currency. *No rounding = 0, IF1 = 1, IF2 = 2, Danish = 3, Finnish = 6,Australian = 7, South African = 80 to 8 BD9ºD9Must be “0” ºD8ºD8Print tendered amount in sub currency converted to maincurrency. a No = 0Yes = 1B(a+b+c) D7º(a+b+c) D7Selection of the currency of subtotal printout:1 Main currency only, 2 Main and sub currency b ! = 0@ = 2Print total in sub currency by double sized letter. c No = 0Yes = 4Selection of the currency of change:1 Main currency only, 2 Sub currency a ! = 0@ = 1B(a+b+c) D6º(a+b+c) D6Print the cash in drawer in sub currency on fixed total reports.(If the cash in drawer of main currency is skipped, this line isalso skipped.)b No = 0Yes = 2Display symbols of sub currency:1 e (Euro), 2 l (Local) c ! = 0@ = 4Restrict (to 00, 25, 50, 75) on last two digits for amount ten-dered: 1 Main currency, 2 Sub currency(It is necessary to set this restriction to key.)a ! = 0@ = 1B(a+b+c) D5º(a+b+c) D5Print rounding total of sub currency on fixed totalizer report. b No = 0Yes = 2Restrict the last digit for sub currency monetary amount entriesto 0 or 5. c No = 0Yes = 4Selection of the change amount printout:1 Main and sub currency, 2 Dependent upon D6 -a of thisworksheeta ! = 0@ = 1B(a+b) D4º(a+b) D4Calculation method of change amount in sub currency:1 Convert the change amount in main currency into sub cur-rency.2 Subtract the equivalent value of subtotal amount in sub cur-rency from the equivalent value of the tendered amount in subcurrency.b ! = 0@ = 2Must be “000” 000 ºººD3 D2 D1ºººD3 D2 D1