161Manager operationTE-3000S/4000F/4500F Dealer's ManualType 3 procedureType 4 procedureData (Currency conversion rate)Data (Drawer number for sub currency)Date (Unit price conversion to Euro)Automatic execution of this procedure on the preset date/timeYou can execute this Euro switchover procedure automatically by using arrangement and scheduler.Please refer to the programming example on page 202.Description Choice Program codeCurrency exchange rate: (6 digit with decimal point key)example: 1 Euro = DM 1.95583Significantnumbers::::::D6 D 5 D4 D3 D 2 D1Description Choice Program codeCash drawer number of sub currency: 0 ~ 4(ā0ā means main drawer)Significantnumber:D1Description Choice Program codeAll unit price (department, PLU, flat-PLU, scanning PLU) areconverted in Euro.Note: All unit price/rate of the following function keys (,, , <+>, <ā>, ) are set to zero.Yes = 0No = 1 :D16 : : : : : : 6 a 6 : 6a 66 : 6 a6 ssAbortion:GuidancemessageResultprinting(Cancellation)(Execution)Currency conversion rate* This step is skipped, if the rate had been already set.GuidancemessageDrawer No. Unit priceconversion6 : : : : : : 6 a 66 : 6 6 a6 ssAbortion:Guidancemessage Resultprinting(Cancellation)(Execution)Currency conversion rate* This step is skipped, if the rate had been already set.Unit priceconversion* The unit price conversion is skipped,if the Euro had been used as main currency.