Appendix (File record format)TE-3000S/4000F/4500F Dealer's Manual241Rec-No. Meaning Default (English) message064 Please wait message065066 Auto-program (register to register) message067 Input target machine No. message 1st line068 Input target machine No. message 2nd line--- Auto-program (register to register) message (quote from rec-066)069 Input command code message 1st line070 Input command code message 2nd line071 CF card formatting message 1st line--- Execution message (quote from rec-013)--- Cancellation message (quote from rec-014)072 Internal flash memory formatting message 1st line--- Execution message (quote from rec-013)--- Cancellation message (quote from rec-014)073 Auto-program (register to internal flash) message 1st line074 Input command code message 1st line075 Input command code message 2nd line076 Auto-program (register to CF card) message 1st line--- Input command code message 1st line (quote from rec-013)--- Input command code message 2nd line (quote from rec-014)077 Auto-program (CF card to register) message 1st line--- Input command code message 1st line (quote from rec-074)--- Input command code message 2nd line (quote from rec-075)078 Auto-program (internal flash to register) message 1st line--- Input command code message 1st line (quote from rec-074)--- Input command code message 2nd line (quote from rec-075)079 Auto-program (register to COM port) message 1st line--- Input command code message 1st line (quote from rec-074)--- Input command code message 2nd line (quote from rec-075)080 Send IPL data to INLINE message 1st line--- Input command code message 1st line (quote from rec-074)--- Input command code message 2nd line (quote from rec-075)081 Send IPL data to CF card message 1st line--- Input command code message 1st line (quote from rec-074)--- Input command code message 2nd line (quote from rec-075)082 Send IPL data to COM port message 1st line--- Input command code message 1st line (quote from rec-074)--- Input command code message 2nd line (quote from rec-075)083 Set AT command to MODEM message 1st line--- Execution message (quote from rec-013)--- Cancellation message (quote from rec-014)084 Arrangement table program message085086 Setting the graphic logo to the external printer message--- Execution message (quote from rec-013)--- Cancellation message (quote from rec-014)087 Error code088 Error message 1st line of an attempt of adding an existing item in the PLU file089 Error message 2nd line of an attempt of adding an existing item in the PLU file090 Error message 1st line of an attempt of adding an existing item in the batch maintenance file091 Error message 2nd line of an attempt of adding an existing item in the batch maintenance file092 Error message 3rd line of an attempt of adding an existing item in the batch maintenance file--- NFP Maintenance (quote from rec-015)093 Field number inputting for partial maintenance--- Direct Maintenance (quote from rec-025)--- Field number inputting for partial maintenance (quote from rec 093)--- Batch Maintenance (quote from rec-028)--- Field number inputting for partial maintenance (quote from rec 093)P l e a s e w a i tI N L I N E A U T O P G MI n p u t T e r m / G P N o. a n d p r e s s < # 2 >I N L I N E A U T O P G MI n p u t O P E C O D E an d p r e s s < # 1 >C F f o r m a tS t a r t Y e s : < # 1 >N o : < # 2 >F L A S H f o r m a tS t a r t Y e s : < # 1 >N o : < # 2 >S a v e t o F L A S HI n p u t O P E C O D E an d p r e s s < # 1 >S a v e t o C FS t a r t Y e s : < # 1 >N o : < # 2 >R e s t o r e C FI n p u t O P E C O D E an d p r e s s < # 1 >R e s t o r e F L A S HI n p u t O P E C O D E an d p r e s s < # 1 >C O M A U T O P G MI n p u t O P E C O D E an d p r e s s < # 1 >I P L t o I N L I N EI n p u t O P E C O D E an d p r e s s < # 1 >I P L t o C FI n p u t O P E C O D E an d p r e s s < # 1 >I P L t o C O M P O R TI n p u t O P E C O D E an d p r e s s < # 1 >M o d e m S e tS t a r t Y e s : < # 1 >N o : < # 2 >A r r a n g e N o . ?L o g o i m a g e s e tS t a r t Y e s : < # 1 >N o : < # 2 >E 1 0 6I t e m e x i s t s i n th e P L U F I L EP L U i s o c c u p i e dM o d i f y : < # 1 > S k ip : < # 2 >N F P M a i n t e n a n c eI n p u t F i e l d N o .D i r e c t M a i n t eI n p u t F i e l d N o .B a t c h M a i n t eI n p u t F i e l d N o .