20050401u To directly input a list of valuesYou can also directly input a list of values using {, }, and ,.○ ○ ○ ○ ○Example 1 To input the list: 56, 82, 64!*( { )fg,ic,ge!/( } )41 6○ ○ ○ ○ ○Example 2 To multiply List 3 ( = 65 ) by the list 022 4K1(LIST)1(List)d*!*( { )g,a,e!/( } )w246The resulting list 0 is stored in ListAns Memory.88u To assign the contents of one list to another listUse a to assign the contents of one list to another list.○ ○ ○ ○ ○Example 1 To assign the contents of List 3 to List 1K1(LIST)1(List)da1(List)bwIn place of K1(LIST)1(List)d operation in the above procedure, you could input!*( { )eb,gf,cc!/( } ).○ ○ ○ ○ ○Example 2 To assign the list in ListAns Memory to List 1K1(LIST)1(List)!-(Ans)a1(List)bw3-3-2Arithmetic Calculations Using Lists