193Schedule System enables auto record function as you set in record schedulesetup (general, motion detect and alarm).Manual It has the highest priority.Enable corresponding channel to record no matter what periodapplied in the record setup.Stop Stop current channel record no matter what period applied in therecord setup.Start all/stop allCheck the corresponding All button, you can enable or disable allchannels record.5.8.5 Setting5.8.5.1 GeneralThe general interface includes general, date/time and holiday setup. GeneralThe general interface is shown as in Figure 5-71.Figure 5-71Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.Parameter FunctionDevice ID It is to set device name.Device No. It is device channel number.Language You can select the language from the dropdown list.Please note the device needs to reboot to get the modificationactivated.VideoStandardThis is to display video standard such as PAL.