73can save the packets to the specified path. The file is named after “Network adaptername+time”. You can use software such as Wireshark to open the packets on the PC forthe professional engineer to solve complicated problems.Figure 4-464.9.4 Log4.9.4.1 Local LogHere is for you to view system log file. System lists the following information. See Figure4-47.Log types include system operation, configuration operation, data management, alarmevent, record operation, account manager, log clear, file operation and etc. It optimizedreboot log. There are only three types: normal reboot, abnormal reboot and protectionreboot. 0x02、0x03、0x04 is included in the protection reboot type. Start time/end time: Pleased select start time and end time, then click search button.You can view the log files in a list. System max displays 100 logs in one page. It canmax save 1024 log files. Please use page up/down button on the interface or the frontpanel to view more. Backup: Please select a folder you want to save; you can click the backup button tosave the log files. After the backup, you can see there is a folder named Log_time onthe backup path. Double click the folder, you can see the log file