![Daikin CTXS09GVJU Service Manual Manual pdf 104 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/4991494/5b46d01e9a090e654b972b2a71da7079104f.jpg)
SiUS12-814 InstructionOperation Manual 91 Priority Room SettingThe Priority Room Setting requires initial programming during installation. Please consult yourauthorized dealer for assistance.The room designated as the Priority Room takes priority in the following situations;1. Operation Mode Priority.As the operation mode of the Priority Room takes precedence, the user can select a differentoperation mode from other rooms.〈Example〉* Room A is the Priority Room in the examples.When COOL mode is selected in Room A while operating the following modes in Room B:2. Priority when POWERFUL operation is used.〈Example〉* Room A is the Priority Room in the examples.The indoor units in Rooms A and B are all operating. If the unit in Room A enters POWERFULoperation, operation capacity will be concentrated in Room A. In such a case, the cooling (heating)efficiency of the units in Room B may be slightly reduced.3. Priority when using OUTDOOR UNIT QUIET operation.〈Example〉* Room A is the Priority Room in the examples.Just by setting the unit in Room A to QUIET operation, the air conditioner starts OUTDOOR UNITQUIET operation.You don’t have to set all the operated indoor units to QUIET operation.Operation mode in Room B Status of Room B when the unit in Room A is in COOL modeCOOL or DRY or FAN Current operation mode maintainedHEAT The unit enters Standby Mode. Operation resumes when the Room Aunit stops operating.AUTOIf the unit is set to COOL mode, operation continues. If the unit is setto HEAT mode, it enters Standby Mode. Operation resumes when theRoom A unit stops operating.