IM 986-2 / Page 17 of 48Before furring-in units, hydrostatically test the risers andunit connection joints in accordance with local buildingcodes, to make sure they are leak-proof.Note: Perform "Cleaning and Flushing WaterSystem" Procedure Below.When furring-in units make sure that no screws or nailspenetrate the unit cabinet.8. Layout the stud wall floor plates and frame-inunit referencing “Typical Framing & DischargeArrangements” on page 13 and “Critical Dimensions”on page 14 and table 1Note: Before cutting and hanging drywall, removethe appropriate discharge air opening knockout. SeeTable 2). Protect unit from construction debris with aprotective cover.Cleaning and Flushing WaterSystemPrior to first operation of any unit, the water circulatingsystem must be cleaned and flushed of all construction dirtand debris or damage will occur.1. Prior to first operation of any unit, the watercirculating system must be cleaned and flushed of allconstruction dirt and debrisIf the units are equipped with water shutoff valves,either electric or pressure operated, the supply andreturn runouts must be connected together at eachunit location This will prevent the introduction ofdirt into the unit (Figure 26)CAUTIONNote: Be sure that each riser stub-out (supply &return) are centered within the riser knockout inthe cabinet (Figure 25). If there is a void betweenthe stub-out and the stub-out seal on the cabinetinterior, this indicates that the stub-out is not properlycentered within the knockout.Figure 25: Center the Riser Stub-Outs in the Knockouts andwithin Seals on the Cabinet Interior5 Anchor risers to the building structure to preventvertical riser movement greater than, plus or minusone inch to allow for riser expansion or contraction6 Solder all supply and return riser connections tounits above and/or below7 Remove riser ties used to secure the risers to thecabinet during shippingRiser KnockoutsStub-Out Connections withValves Centered withinKnockouts and SealsStub-OutsSealsCabinetInteriorKnockoutson CabinetExteriorCAUTIONWARNINGThe unit is not designed to support the weight of the risers.Anchor them securely to the building structure.CAUTIONDischarge OpeningsUnit Size Single Double Triple Single-Top OpeningW H W H W H W H009–012 14" 16" 14" 8" NR NR 12" 12"015–018 14" 16" 14" 8" 14" 8" 12" 12"021–024 NR NR 18" 14" 18" 10" 18" 18"030–036 NR NR 18" 14" 18" 10" 18" 18Table 2: Discharge Knockout OpeningsNR = Not Recommended