IM 986-2 / Page 31 of 48MicroTech III Controller WithLonWorks® Communication ModuleFor installation and operation information onLonWorks Communication Module and other ancillarycontrol components, see:• IM 927 - MicroTech III Unit Controller for WaterSource Heat Pumps (LonWorks)• IM 933 - LonMaker Integration Plug-in Tool: Foruse with the MicroTech III Unit Controller• IM 955 - MicroTech III Wall Sensor For use withMicroTech III Unit Controller with Lon WorksFigure 46: LonWorks Communication ModuleThe Lon Works communication module will plug intothe MicroTech III unit controller at the CN_LON1Header (see figure 48, page 34).Each McQuay water source heat pump can be equippedwith a LonWorks communication module Thecontroller is microprocessor-based and is designedto communicate over a LonWorks communicationsnetwork The unit controller is factory programmedand tested with all the logic required to monitor andcontrol the unit The wall thermostat sets the unit modeof operation The unit controller monitors water and airtemperatures, and can communicate fault conditions to aLonWork communications networkThe MicroTech III unit controller include unit-mountedreturn air, discharge air and leaving water temperaturesensors Options include setpoint adjustment and tenantoverride and the capability of substituting the return airsensor with a wall-mounted temperature sensorEach unit controller orchestrates the following unitoperations: Enable heating and cooling to maintain setpointbased on a room sensor Enable fan and compressor operation Monitor all equipment protection controls Monitor discharge air temperature Monitor leaving water temperature Relay status of all vital unit functions Support optional control outputsA set of three status LED's aid in diagnostics byindicating the water source heat pump operating modeand alarm conditions If there are no current alarmconditions, the Green LED will indicate the normal unitoperating mode as shown in the table below If there areone or more alarm conditions present, various LED'swill flash to indicate an alarm condition.MicroTech III heat pumps with a MicroTech III unitcontroller are LonMark certified and designed to belinked with a centralized building automation systemthrough a LonWorks communications network forcentralized scheduling and management of multipleheat pumps Wall-mounted room sensors are availableto control the heating and cooling operation of eachMicroTech III Water Source Heat Pump Unit ControllerAvailable room sensors include: room sensor withLED status and tenant override button, room sensorwith LED status, timed-override button, room sensorwith LED status, timed-override button, and setpointadjustment, and room sensor with LED status, timed-override button, setpoint adjustmentThe MicroTech III water source heat pump unitcontroller provides control of McQuay water sourceheat pumps The controller enables the mode ofoperation, monitors the water and air temperatures, andindicates fault conditions Each unit controller is factoryprogrammed, wired, and tested for effective operationof your McQuay water source heat pumpThe MicroTech III water source heat pump controlleruses Lon Works technology One of the following twoversions of the application software is loaded into thecontroller at the factoryLonMark® 3.4 certified application code is the currentstandard application code for MicroTech III unitsUse LonMark application code in new applicationsincluding: Units that operate stand alone