NOTE!Please note the values available within the differentstandard groups of resistors:E12: Closest standard value is 470Ω, creating an input of449.9Ω and 8.997 V.E24: Closest standard value is 510Ω, creating an input of486.4Ω and 9.728 V.E48: Closest standard value is 511Ω, creating an input of487.3Ω and 9.746 V.E96: Closest standard value is 523Ω, creating an input of498.2Ω and 9.964 V.Analog inputs - terminal X42/1-6Parameter group for read out: 18-3*. See also VLT® HVACDrive Programming Guide, MG11CXYY.Parameter groups for set-up: 26-0*, 26-1*, 26-2* and 26-3*.See also VLT® HVAC Drive Programming Guide, MG11CXYY.3 x analog inputs Operating range Resolution Accuracy Sampling Max load ImpedanceUsed astemperaturesensor input-58° to 302°F [-50–+150°C]11 bits -58°F [-50°C]±1 Kelvin302°F [+150°C]±2 Kelvin3Hz - -Used asvoltage input 0–10V DC 10 bits0.2% of fullscale at cal.temperature2.4Hz +/- 20VcontinuouslyApproximately5kΩTable 3.7When used for voltage, analog inputs are scalable byparameters for each input.When used for temperature sensor, analog inputs scaling ispreset to necessary signal level for specified temperaturespan.When analog inputs are used for temperature sensors, it ispossible to read out the feedback value in both °C and °F.When operating with temperature sensors, maximum cablelength to connect sensors is 262 ft [80 m] non-shielded/non-twisted wires.Analog outputs - terminal X42/7-12Parameter group for read out and write: 18-3*. See alsoVLT® HVAC Drive Programming Guide, MG11XYYParameter groups for set-up: 26-4*, 26-5* and 26-6*. Seealso VLT® HVAC Drive Programming Guide, MG11XYY3 x analogoutputsOutputsignal levelResolution Linearity Max loadVolt 0–10V DC 11 bits 1% of fullscale1mATable 3.8Analog outputs are scalable by parameters for eachoutput.The function assigned is selectable via a parameter andhas the same options as for analog outputs on the controlcard.For a more detailed description of parameters, please referto the VLT® HVAC Drive Programming Guide, MG11CXYY.Real-time clock (RTC) with backupThe data format of RTC includes year, month, date, hour,minutes and weekday.Accuracy of clock is better than ± 20 ppm at 77°F [25°C].The built-in lithium backup battery lasts on average forminimum 10 years, when Adjustable frequency drive isoperating at 104°F [40°C] ambient temperature. If thebattery backup pack fails, the analog I/O option must bereplaced.3.1.10 MCB 112 VLT® PTC Thermistor CardThe MCB 112 option makes it possible to monitor thetemperature of an electrical motor through a galvanically-isolated PTC thermistor input. It is a B option for FC 102with safe stop.For information on mounting and installation of theoption, please see earlier in this section. See also6 Application Examples for different application possibilities.VLT® HVAC Drive Selection VLT® HVAC Drive Design GuideMG11BB22 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 3-73 3