Alarm Word and Extended Status WordBit Hex Dec Alarm Word Warning Word Extended Status Word22 00400000 4194304 Serial communicationbus faultSerial communication bus fault23 00800000 8388608 24 V Supply Low 24 V Supply Low24 01000000 16777216 Line failure Line failure25 02000000 33554432 1.8 V Supply Low Current Limit26 04000000 67108864 Brake Resistor Low Temp27 08000000 134217728 Brake IGBT Voltage Limit28 10000000 268435456 Option Change Unused29 20000000 536870912 Drive Initialized Unused30 40000000 1073741824 Safe Stop UnusedTable 8.3 Description of Alarm Word, Warning Word and Extended Status WordThe alarm words, warning words and extended statuswords can be read out via serial bus or optional serialcommunication bus for diagnosis. See alsoparameter 16-90 Alarm Word, parameter 16-92 Warning Wordand parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word.The warning/alarm information in this chapter defines eachwarning/alarm condition, provides the probable cause forthe condition, and details a remedy or troubleshootingprocedure.WARNING 1, 10 Volts lowThe control card voltage from terminal 50 is <10 V.Remove some of the load from terminal 50, as the 10 Vsupply is overloaded. Max. 15 mA or minimum 590 Ω.A short circuit in a connected potentiometer or improperwiring of the potentiometer can cause this condition.Troubleshooting• Remove the wiring from terminal 50.• If the warning clears, the problem is with thecustomer wiring.• If the warning does not clear, replace the controlcard.WARNING/ALARM 2, Live zero errorThis warning or alarm only appears if programmed inparameter 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function. The signal onone of the analog inputs is less than 50% of the minimumvalue programmed for that input. Broken wiring or signalsbeing sent by a faulty device causes this condition.Troubleshooting• Check connections on all the analog inputterminals. Control card terminals 53 and 54 forsignals, terminal 55 common. MCB 101 terminals11 and 12 for signals, terminal 10 common. MCB109 terminals 1, 3, 5 for signals, terminals 2, 4, 6common.• Check that the adjustable frequency driveprogramming and switch settings match theanalog signal type.• Perform an input terminal signal test.WARNING 3, No motorNo motor has been connected to the output of theadjustable frequency drive.WARNING/ALARM 4, Mains phase lossA phase is missing on the supply side, or the line voltageimbalance is too high. This message also appears in caseof a fault in the input rectifier on the adjustable frequencydrive. Options are programmed in parameter 14-12 Functionat Mains Imbalance.Troubleshooting• Check the supply voltage and supply currents tothe adjustable frequency drive.WARNING 5, DC link voltage highThe intermediate circuit voltage (DC) is higher than thehigh-voltage warning limit. The limit depends on theadjustable frequency drive voltage rating. The unit is stillactive.WARNING 6, DC link voltage lowThe intermediate circuit voltage (DC) is lower than the low-voltage warning limit. The limit depends on the adjustablefrequency drive voltage rating. The unit is still active.WARNING/ALARM 7, DC overvoltageIf the intermediate circuit voltage exceeds the limit, theadjustable frequency drive trips after some time.Troubleshooting• Connect a brake resistor.• Extend the ramp time.• Change the ramp type.Warnings and Alarms VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102126 Danfoss A/S © 08/2014 All rights reserved. MG11F52288