6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time ConstantRange: Function:0.001 s* [0.001 -10 s]NOTICE!This parameter cannot be adjustedwhile the motor is running.Enter the time constant. This is a first-orderdigital low pass filter time constant forsuppressing electrical noise in terminal 53.A high time constant value improvesdampening but also increases the timedelay through the filter.6-17 Terminal 53 Live ZeroOption: Function:This parameter makes it possible to disable theLive Zero monitoring. For example, this is to beused if the analog outputs are used as part of ade-central I/O system (e.g., when not used as partof any adjustable frequency drive related controlfunctions, but for feeding a building managementsystem with data).[0] Disabled[1] * Enabled6-20 Terminal 54 Low VoltageRange: Function:0.07 V* [ 0 - par.6-21 V]Enter the low voltage value. This analoginput scaling value should correspond tothe low reference/feedback value, set inparameter 6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb.Value.6-21 Terminal 54 High VoltageRange: Function:10 V* [ par. 6-20- 10 V]Enter the high voltage value. This analoginput scaling value should correspond to thehigh reference/feedback value set inparameter 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb.Value.6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. ValueRange: Function:0* [-999999.999 -999999.999 ]Enter the analog input scaling value thatcorresponds to the low voltage/lowcurrent value set inparameter 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltageand parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 LowCurrent.6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. ValueRange: Function:100* [-999999.999 -999999.999 ]Enter the analog input scaling valuethat corresponds to the high voltage/high current value set inparameter 6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltageand parameter 6-23 Terminal 54 HighCurrent.6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time ConstantRange: Function:0.001 s* [0.001 -10 s]NOTICE!This parameter cannot be adjustedwhile the motor is running.Enter the time constant. This is a first-orderdigital low pass filter time constant forsuppressing electrical noise in terminal 54.A high time constant value improvesdampening but also increases the timedelay through the filter.6-27 Terminal 54 Live ZeroOption: Function:This parameter makes it possible to disable theLive Zero monitoring. For example, this to beused if the analog outputs are used as part of ade-central I/O system (e.g., when used not as partof any adjustable frequency drive related controlfunctions, but for feeding a building managementsystem with data).[0] Disabled[1] * Enabled6-50 Terminal 42 OutputOption: Function:Select the function of Terminal 42 as ananalog current output. A motor currentof 20 mA corresponds to Imax.[0] No operation[100] Output freq.0-1000–100 Hz, (0–20 mA)[101] Reference Min-MaxMinimum reference - Maximumreference, (0–20 mA)[102] Feedback+-200%-200% to +200% ofparameter 20-14 Maximum Reference/Feedb., (0–20 mA)[103] Motor cur. 0-Imax0 - Inverter Max. Current(parameter 16-37 Inv. Max. Current), (0–20mA)How to Program Instruction ManualMG11F522 Danfoss A/S © 08/2014 All rights reserved. 976 6