20 Elements of Card DesignRewritable Card DesignThe SD160 and SD260 printers allow you to erase and reprint multiple times on special rewritablecards. Rewritable cards are used in applications that contain variable, or changing, information,such as short‐term contractor or visitor badges, and customer loyalty cards.A rewritable card design includes the followingelements: Static ElementsElements that always remain the same, such as acompany name and logo, phone number, orwebsite. Variable ElementsElements that can change from user to user, suchas a photo or expiration date. Where you placethe variable elements determines how the cardwill be erased. Refer to your printer’s Driver Guidefor more information about setting up the printerto use the rewritable option. Refer to “Print” onpage 44 for information about the PrinterManager settings that control the rewritable function.Print Bar CodesBar code design follows a set of standards based on the type of bar code produced. Bar codescontain a series of black lines (bars) separated by white areas (spaces). Each character of encodeddata is represented by a set of bars and spaces. A bar code standard specifies the number andwidth of bars and spaces needed to encode a character. The standard also specifies the minimumsize of the white area, or quiet zone, that surrounds the bar code.Refer to “Print Bar Codes With the Card Printer Driver” on page 22 for informationabout how using the Card Printer Driver can improve the probability that a bar codeprints using the K panel.StaticAreaEraseAreaStaticArea