GRYPHON™55.4.3 Address StampingIt is possible to include the reader address in the message sent to the host. Thereader Address Stamping parameter consists of a 4-digit number in the range0000-1999.For message output format, refer to par. Address DelimiterThe Address Delimiter allows a character to be included to separate the readerAddress stamping field from the next field in the message. Any character can beincluded in the hexadecimal range from 00 to FE.5.5 POWER SAVE5.5.1 Sleep State/USB SuspendWhen using interfaces other than USB, this mode allows the μP in the reader to entera “Sleep” state for minimum power consumption. For D-series readers, this commandis only valid when hardware trigger type is selected.Before entering Sleep mode, the following are verified:• no commands coming from Host• no data being transmitted to Host• Enter Sleep Timeout ended (see par. 5.5.2)To exit Sleep mode press the trigger.Enabling the Sleep state implements Standby mode for CCD devices, see par. 5.5.3.For M-Series readers, sleep state is entered immediately after reading a code and isnot configurable. To exit Sleep mode press the trigger.When using the USB interface, this mode allows the device to manage SelectiveSuspend conditions generated by the Host Operating System in which optimizing lowpower consumption (ex. Windows Stand-by). It is possible to exit the Suspend modether from the Host (ex. moving the mouse during Stand-by) or through the barcodeader. The latter, called Remote Wakeup, makes the device wake up the Hostrestoring the communication. Remote Wakeup is possible by pressing the trigger.For message output format, refer to par. 5.4.eire138