Connecting the PowerScan BT830012 PowerScan™ BT8300Link by Inquiry4. To connect another PowerScan PBT8300 to the BC 8030-BT cradle,repeat in the sequence from steps 1 through 3 before continuing. One Cra-dle can connect with a maximum of four readers.5. Quickly press the button (<8 seconds and release) on the BC 8030-BT cra-dle. The yellow LED on the cradle will blink and it will search for anyPowerScan BT 8300 readers in radio range. After finishing, the cradle willemit a beep and begin to link with PowerScan BT8300 readers found.6. The green LED on each PowerScan BT8300 reader will blink when theBC 8030-BT cradle tries to link with it. To confirm the connection withthe cradle, press the trigger on the reader within 10 seconds, before thetimeout expires.7. Four ascending beeps will be emitted, signaling that the BC 8030-BT cra-dle has been successfully connected to the PowerScan BT8300, and thegreen LED on the reader will stop blinking.8. Upon completing the connection between the reader and cradle you mustset up the correct interface for your system. Refer to the BC 8030-BT BaseStation Charger QRG for information and programming labels, and scanthe appropriate bar code to select your system’s interface type.END of procedure. YOUR READER IS NOW READY TO READ CODES.Link by LabelYou can create a label that includes the appropriate command and the cradleMAC address. Please refer to the Product Reference Guide (PRG), or contactTechnical Support for more information.1.Enter Configuration2.Handheld - Cradle3.Exit and Save Configuration