Connecting the PowerScan BT8300Quick Reference Guide 15Linking to a PC in HIDTo link a PowerScan BT8300 reader in HID to a Bluetooth-enabled PC, pleaseread the following bar codes in the given sequence:4. Use the host computer's Bluetooth Manager to "Add Bluetooth DeviceWizard" and select "PowerScan BT8300." In the next window, enter thePIN code if you are using Security Mode 2 or Security Mode 3, or choose"Don't use passkey" if you set Security Mode 1.5. Four ascending beeps will be emitted, signaling that the PowerScanBT8300 has been successfully connected to the Bluetooth-enabled PC.END of procedure. YOUR READER IS NOW READY TO READ CODES.Variable PIN CodeSome Bluetooth drivers on the Host (such as WIDCOMM and BlueSoleil 8)require a Variable PIN Code. When attempting connection, the applicationpresents a window that includes a PIN Code which is to be input using thePowerScan BT8300. Please read the bar code "Variable PIN Code" and restart thesequence from step 4 above.Variable PIN CodeWhen you hear the beep indicating the reader is waiting for an alphanumericentry, enter the variable PIN Code one of two ways:Keypad (PBT8300 16-key DK only): Type the PIN Code on the scannerkeypad, then tap Enter ().Scanning: Read the bar code corresponding with the require PIN Code andending with Exit and Save configuration label. Use the labels in the HEX/NUMERIC KEYPAD section at the back of this manual for alphanumeric entry.1.Enter Configuration2.HID Profile3.Exit and Save ConfigurationThe default Security Mode in HID mode is Authentication andEncryption Disable.