POWERSCAN D8590 User’s Manual 10-3UtilitiesDifferences from DefaultClicking the Differences from Default button will cause ESP to check all stored configurationsettings and compare them to default settings. All settings that are different from defaultwill appear in the left column (shown below), and descriptions of those settings will appearin the right column.Click this button for a list of ESPconfiguration settings that aredifferent from default settings.Click Generate Bar Code to bring up the Bar CodeConfiguration dialog. Then create symbols containingthe configuration commands of your choice.Click Save As to save thereport as plain text or atab-delimited text file.Send configuration settingsto the imager without savingby clicking Send to Reader.Send configuration settings to theimager and save in ESP by clickingSend and Save.• To create a symbol containing any of the command settings in the table, click GenerateBar Code. This will bring up the Bar Code Configuration dialog.• To save the Differences from Default report, either as plain text or as a tab-delimitedtext file, click Save As.• Click Send and Save to send the settings to the imager and save them, or Send toReader to send the settings without saving them.