7-8 POWERSCAN D8590 User’s ManualData ValidationISO/IEC 15434ISO/IEC 15434 specifies a transfer structure, syntax, and coding of messages and dataformats when using high capacity automatic data capture (ADC) technologies.The following ISO/IEC 15434 data output options are applicable to Data Matrix ECC 200symbols only and have no effect on other symbologies.ISO/IEC 15434EnabledAllows the imager to read only ISO/IEC 15434-compliant messagestreams in Data Matrix ECC 200 symbols then output the ISO/IEC 15434string. This implementation only checks the header/trailer format andproper format indicator (00-99 and DD). The output string has a prefix, aformat indicator, and data components.ISO/IEC 15434Enabled with ErrorMessagesAllows the imager to read only ISO/IEC 15434-compliant messages inData Matrix ECC 200 symbols and output detailed information such asprefix, format indicator, data components, or error messages.Data ValidationDisabledDisables both UII and ISO/IEC 15434 data validation.ISO/IEC 15434 Output ExamplesISO/IEC 15434 Enabled(15434);05;0100061414199999;211A0B9C3D6;;;;;(15434);06;7L0A1B3C;1P4202435;S10936;;;;(15434);06;17V0A1B2;1P4202435;S10936;;;;ISO/IEC 15434 Enabled with Error Messages(15434);05;0100061414199999;211A0B9C3D6;;;;;(15434);06;7L0A1B3C;1P4202435;S10936;;;;(15434);06;17V0A1B2;1P4202435;S10936;;;;(15434 ERROR: HEADER - 3RD POSITION);[)<▲DD↔CAG 12345↔SER67890123▲♦;;;;;;;(15434 ERROR: TRAILER - END OF TRANSMISSION);[)>▲12↔CAG 12345↔SER67890123▲♣;;;;;;;(15434 ERROR: HEADER - GROUP SEPARATOR);[)>▲12▲CAG 12345♦029SER67890123▲♦;;;;;;;Data Validation DisabledThe imager will return to normal output behavior without performing data validation.