POWERSCAN D8590 User’s Manual 2-9Using ESPTerminal TabWhen Show Non-Printable Charactersis checked, characters such as‘CRLF’ will be displayed in the terminalwindow. When the Enhanced Formatradio button is checked, subscript andsuperscript formatting is shown.When Display incoming data evenwhen not in focus is checked, datafrom the imager will continue toappear in the terminal even whenESP is not the top window on the hostcomputer’s screen.When Enable Echo is checked, theterminal window displays user-entereddata.Change Keyboard MacrosClicking the Change Keyboard Macrosbutton brings up the Function Keysdialog. In this dialog you can select thedesired function key and then enteryour macro keystrokes in the associatedkey map. For example, to make Ctrl-F2the keystroke to send a trigger character,select F2, then in the Ctrl row, enter and click OK.Then whenever the Ctrl-F2 keystroke ispressed, the trigger character will startthe read cycle.Note: The F1 key is reserved for opening ESP Help and the F3 key is reserved for theFind Next function.Change FontSets the font characteristics for data received from the imager.Change Echo FontSets the font characteristics of user-entered data.