SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION14577.9.4 BM150 Backup and Restore ProcedureThe Backup and Restore functions are valid for any application layout type (point-to-point,network, etc.) using CBX500 connection boxes through the BM100 Backup module (requiredaccessory for BM150 installation).The Backup and Restore functions are managed through the BM150 display and keypad andtherefore are disabled at the BM100 Backup/Restore button.If it ever becomes necessary to replace the reading device it can be quickly configuredthrough the restore procedure.BM150 provides complete backup and restore functions (Configuration and Environmentalparameters) with the following difference:For Single Readers or individual ID-NET Slaves: Backup and Restore functions provide parameter storage including all configuration jobspresent on the reader.For Master Readers in ID-NET Master/Slave networks: Backup and Restore functions provide parameter storage of only the StartupConfiguration for the Master and all Slaves present in the network.CAUTION: For Master/Slave networks any other configurations (jobs) storedin the device memory will not be backed up. Therefore upon a restore, all jobsother than the startup configuration will be overwritten (erased). It is stronglyrecommended to save all configurations to backup files.The Slaves must always be configured with the same network baudrate as the Masterfor correct functioning including performing Backup and Restore procedures.Backup and Restore functions cannot be interrupted once started.To perform Backup:1. Make sure the Write Protection switch on the BM100 is unlocked.2. Select the Backup item from the Extended menu and press the Enter key.3. When the procedure is complete a message appears on the display showing the results(Backup OK 1 File Saved or an error message).4. Set the Write Protection switch to locked.To perform Restore:1. Select the Restore item from the Extended menu and press the Enter key.2. When the procedure is complete a message appears on the display showing the results(Restore OK 1 File Restored or an error message).